Meet the PC Gamer team

PC Gamer is:

Who? Kristen Salvatore

What? Editor-in-Chief, Shoe Hoarder

How did I get here? I left NYC 9 years ago with the intention of checking out San Francisco for a few months before bouncing on to somewhere else (or back to New York). A job as Managing Editor for Maximum PC magazine changed my mind. I skedaddled over to Ziff Davis to work as the Game Group Copy Chief and then as Managing Editor for CGW magazine (RIP) before my prodigal return to Future as PC Gamer’s Executive Editor. I won the EIC job in a bar fight.

Loves: Gordon Freeman, baseball, The Three Amigos, snacks.

Hates: Misplaced aggression, nauseating in-game physics, unsightly blemishes.

Now playing: LEGO Indiana Jones, Age of Conan, Beyond Good and Evil.

Who? Logan Decker

What?Executive Editor, Sciuridae Enthusiast

How did I get here? I worked at Maximum PC for five years until I realized that I could save a lot of money by working for PC Gamer instead of buying all my games from Amazon. It’s worked out I can’t even tell you how well. I lost the bar fight to Kristen Salvatore - she went for the eyes - but was made Senior Editor for placing in the tryouts.

Loves: Sardines, plushie helmet covers, women in catsuits.

Hates: Rashes, bread, save points.

Now playing: Ultima Series, Assassin's Creed.

Who? Dan Stapleton

What?Reviews Editor

How did I get here? After spending more time gaming than studying for my BA in American Literature at UC Santa Cruz (hooray for pass/no pass!), I put in a few months interning at a Bay Area weekly newspaper before being hired on at PC Gamer via a Craigslist ad.

Loves: The Daily Show, real-time strategy, science fiction, Cake, Simpsons quotes, calories.

Hates: People who haven’t read/don’t understand the concept of the First Amendment, eggplant, crying babies on airplanes, celebrity gossip.

Now playing: GRID, Political Machine 2008, Space Siege, STALKER.

What? Lead Designer

How did I get here? Convinced that good design must contain explosions, enormous boobs, or both, I joined PC Gamer’s competitor Computer Gaming World in the mid 90’s. I moved to Future a few years later to work on Dreamcast and PSM. After a brief, disappointing stint at Pregnancy magazine (no explosions), I finally returned to my PC Gaming roots last year.

Loves: Cambazola, Racer 5 Beer, PJ Harvey, NASCAR, PHP, How It’s Made, my numerous children.

Hates: Machines that run out of Diet Dr Pepper, 80-minute commutes, and lint on black shirts. And people. There, I’ve said it.

Now playing: Half Life 2: Episode 2, Fallout 1 and 2.

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