Meet The Lesbian Vampires: Trudi recently spent the day hanging out at a photoshoot with the girls from upcoming Brit schlock-horror movie Lesbian Vampire Killers. Yes, yes. Tough job, someone's gotta do it, etc.

You can see the results of the shoot in the next issue of Total Film Magazine , on sale in all newsagents on Thursday 5 March.

Over the next five days, we'll be presenting exclusive, behind-the-scenes shots of every girl who took part – as well as some extremely cool, Grindhouse-style poster art (see below).

We'll also have (mildly spoilerish) interviews with the girls.

To kick things off, here's our chat with Ashley Mulheron, who plays Swedish stoner Trudi in the flick.


Describe your character...

She’s a modern-day stoner, so I am stoned a lot – but not for real (laughs). My character is stoned a lot! She’s a bit wild, she’s a bit of a party animal.

She’s got quite big boobs, they put me in this bra that gave me really big boobs, James Corden’s character Fletch really takes a fancy to her and can’t stop staring at her boobs.[page-break]

I’m a brunette in the movie, but I’m naturally blonde, so it was interesting to completely change myself. One by one, we get turned into vampires.


When she’s a vampire she’s even stronger. I have a lot of the guys in the film up against walls. And I probably have the most gruesome death scene in the movie - melting in the shower. It’s kind of like RoboCop when half his face melts off.


Do you have a favourite genre movie?

I love Shaun Of The Dead. You get a lot of comedy scripts through as an actress and usually you think, “Okay, well this isn’t very funny but I’ll try for the audition and make it as funny as I can..." But genuinely when I got this script I just laughed so much.


I thought the film would be so brilliant. There are elements of real scariness, and it’s really funny. You don’t know whether to laugh or to be scared.


James Corden and Matt are fantastic - so quick-witted and so funny. It was hard to work with James and not laugh.


Was it a flirtatious set?

It was, yeah. It was a really great film for me to do. My sister was one of the Swedish girls - she’s an actress, but we’ve never worked together before. Yeah, it was a fun, flirtatious set. Didn't feel like work at all.





Check back tomorrow for an interview to another Lesbian Vampire Killer and behind-the-scenes access to our photoshoot.

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Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.