Meet The Lesbian Vampires: Rebecca recently spent the day hanging out at a photoshoot with the girls from upcoming Brit schlock-horror movie Lesbian Vampire Killers. Yes, yes. Tough job, someone's gotta do it, etc.

You can see the results of the shoot in the next issue of Total Film Magazine, on sale in all newsagents on Thursday 5 March.

Over the next five days, we'll be presenting exclusive, behind-the-scenes shots of every girl who took part – as well as some extremely cool, Grindhouse-style poster art (see below).

We'll also have (mildly spoilerish) interviews with the girls.

Next up, Emer Kenny, who plays the virginial Rebecca, talking seduction, Mat Horne and James Corden's non-gayness, and sexy lesbians...


Tell us about your character...

My character’s name is Rebecca and she’s the vicar’s virginial 18-year old daughter. On her eighteenth birthday she turns into a lesbian vampire who’s got a thing for James Corden’s character Fletch, she goes after him and tries to seduce him.[page-break]

How was James to work with?

Such a laugh, he was so funny, he was always joking around. He’d do things before we started filming he’d go, “oh, marry me,” and then they’d go “action,” and I’d just go “uh, um...” All these random things like, “I’m a great kisser,” and I’d be like “wha, wha, why did you say that? I don’t know! What?” And I’d have to go and do some serious scenes.[page-break]

Was it a flirtatious atmosphere on the set then?

Definitely but Mat and James are just big flirts to everyone, not just the girls (laughs), wait, wait I didn’t mean that how it sounded (laughs).

I meant all the girls on the set not just the actresses, I’m not implying that James Corden and Mat Horne are gay![page-break]

What was Mat like?

Mat was lovely, really big sweetheart. When he’s with James he’s a big joker, but when he’s on his own he’s such a sweetie.[page-break]

Do you have a favourite vampire flick?

I’ve seen a couple of Draculas, but I used to have such a big fear of vampires.

I saw a picture in a book once where a girl was sleeping towards the window and there was a vampire at the window, so ever since then I’ve always faced away from the window so that will never happen to me.

I used to check under my bed before I went to sleep and stuff. I was a freak.[page-break]

Has this got rid of some of your fears then?

Probably, realising that they’re just sexy lesbians, y’know. They’re not out there to kill you (giggles).

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Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.