Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Cheats
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne FAQs
Weapons Guide
Submitted by Jeroen Amin (Invisible Assassin)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Cheats
PC | Submitted by DarkAngelView all models
Instead of -developer use -developerkeys and in the game use F11 to bring up statistics and PGUP and PGDOWN to change character model. You can select everyone in the game, but you can't use F12 to use normal cheats.
Xbox | Submitted by calle.zMaster Cheat
In order to use the codes you must first start a game. Once in Gameplay, press the Back button to access the Main Menu. Once there, hold down both thumbsticks and both triggers at the same time. While holding all these down, press White, Black, Black, White, White, Black. An additional Menu at the bottom of the screen should open allowing you to select two things:
All weapons and refills.
Go into the cheat menu and activate the desired code by pressing the A button on the one you want to enable. The code should be enabled when you re-enter gameplay.
PC | Submitted by Raven-XGod Mode on
PC | Submitted by Raven-XAdd Health
c_addhealth (100)
PC | Submitted by Raven-XShow Framerate
PC | Submitted by Raven-XGod Mode off
PC | Submitted by Raven-XAll Weapons, Invincibility, Health, Ammo
PC | Submitted by WebMaster (BIG-X)All Level's
Start the game whit -Developers , now press F11 OR F12 to bring the console in the window bar , and type some codes Below:
GetGranadeUn - Get granade ,unlimited AMMO
AllWeaponUn - Get All Weapon's,Unlimited AMMO
PC | Submitted by The12DeadKnightsGo Through Doors
Start maxpayne with maxpayne.exe -developer
then press F12 to bring down the console.
Type in noclip
Then go Trough doors, if not works try trowing yourself trough them....
To go normal again type noclip_off
PC | Submitted by Raven-XHUD on
PC | Submitted by Raven-XM79
PC | Submitted by Raven-XPainkillers
PC | Submitted by Raven-XIncrease Health
PC | Submitted by Raven-XDual Ingram
PC | Submitted by Raven-XMP5
PC | Submitted by Raven-XMolotov Cocktail
PC | Submitted by Raven-XPump Shotgun
PC | Submitted by Raven-XSawed Off Shotgun
PC | Submitted by Raven-XJackhammer
PC | Submitted by Raven-XBaseball Bat
PC | Submitted by Raven-XSet Wounded State
PC | Submitted by Raven-XSet Normal State
PC | Submitted by Raven-XGhost Mode
PC | Submitted by Raven-XGhost Mode off
PC | Submitted by Raven-XColt Commando
PC | Submitted by Raven-XDual Ingram
PC | Submitted by Raven-XDual Berettas
PC | Submitted by Raven-XBeretta
PC | Submitted by Raven-XDesert Eagle
PC | Submitted by Raven-XDual Berettas
PC | Submitted by Raven-XAll Weapons
PC | Submitted by Raven-XAll Weapons, Unlimited Ammo, NoCLip, etc
To get access to the game console, you need to start maxpayne2.exe with the command line parameter "-developer".
Once you have the game running in developer mode, you get access to the game console with F12.
coder - All weapons, invincibility, health & ammo
god - Invincibility
mortal - Invincibility off
c_addhealth (100)
GetAllWeapons - All weapons
GetGrenade - Get grenades
GetHealth - 1000 health
GetBulletTime - Infinite bullet time
PC | Submitted by Raven-XInfinite Bullet Time
PC | Submitted by Raven-XJump high
jump # (# can be 10, 20 or 30)
PC | Submitted by Raven-XSniper Rifle
PC | Submitted by Raven-XGrenade
PC | Submitted by Raven-XInfinite Ammo
PC | Submitted by Raven-XIngram
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Hints
PC | Submitted by Alex BielovichTip for Dead Man Walking
n dead man walking mode (when you've unlocked it!) ,shootdoge-jump into the enemies as they spawn from their spawn pod thingies. The next few times they respawn they automatically get knocked over. (making your gaming a whole lot easier!)
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarTake Screenshots
To take screenshots in the game you have to type in "-screenshot" as the command line parameter (C:\Max Payne\maxPayne.exe -screenshot). Then when you are playing press F10 to take a screenshot.
Xbox | Submitted by tanner thompsonDon't Get Killed by Bombs on the Last Level
On the last level when you are battling the last guy he throws bombs at you. But You're objective is to shoot the ropes that hold the platform he is standing on, but it is very hard when he is throwing bombs at you. So an easy way to shoot them is find where you want to stand when you shoot them and go around the room and when you come to you're spot stop a few feet in front of it and he will throw a bomb. When he throws it run to your spot and look up and shoot .You may have to try this a few times.
Xbox | Submitted by POPSIE CHUCLEBUTTHelp on Defeating Last Boss
To kill the boss (i forgot his name lol) he will throw molvots cocktails at you i used my m4 carbine and m5 to kill him at the part when he is throwing molvots cocktails at u u have to shoot the orange things that hold in the supports. when u kill him he falls and the platform he's standing on kills him
PC | Submitted by GoatmanIn Memory Of&
In the 7th level on the first chapter (the one were you are in the hotel), once you go down the window washer lift, and the down the scaffolding, instead of going through the window, go left along the ledge for a bit. Soon you will come across a different window, and inside is a small room with purple curtains around it, candles, and a little stand with a book on it. It says "in memory of (some guy, cant remember the name)" and there is a picture of him... it also says "1983-2003"
Xbox | Submitted by BIG RDGPart III Chapter 8 Help
When Vlad is on the big green platform above you the way to kill him is to shoot the four cable bases, the platform should then fall. Next use the MP5 and zoom in(X button) and shoot out the four yellow bars. The spike will then fall. Vlad will then be visible to be shot.
Xbox | Submitted by RobertTheme Song
Play the piano with a dead body on it, Max will attempt to play his theme song.
Xbox | Submitted by RobertPick fun at Cops
In the chapter where Max is suspended in the police station, go to the rec-room. There will be 2 police men on a couch watching tv. Turn off the tv and watch them turn it back on, then turn it off again, repeatedly (cops will not do anything to you).
Xbox | Submitted by RobertSpecial Ending
Successfully complete THE GAME on Dead on Arrival mode to see the special ending.
Xbox | Submitted by MarioKilling Vlad&
When The BIG spike falls down onto the glass, Vlad will try to jump away from it, when you are able to shoot him, use one of the strong guns (m4 carbine recommended), when you have him right in front of you, just keep shooting at him repeatedly and he will not be able to move away. So he will die instantly.
Xbox | Submitted by BOBQuick Reload, Save Bullet Time
Well to do a quicker reload than max does when he spins in bullet time just hit the reload button and quickly go into a slow motion dive. Your gun will be full on ammo and you will also get an advantage on the enemy without using any of your bullet time. NOTE: You must go into dive right after pressing the reload button, if you wait until you see max start to reload you will end up rolling on the floor and he will have to reload his weapons again (a nice way to have fun when there a no enemies around, game will save most all of the clips you drop from doing this)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Unlockables
Xbox | Submitted by RobertCompletion Bonuses
Complete the game under "Detective" difficulty setting to unlock the Hard boiled, New York Minute, and Dead man Walking modes. Complete the game under "Dead Man Walking" difficulty setting to unlock Dead on arrival Mode.
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