Mass Effect's former composer Jack Wall explains 'amicable' depature from franchise

Mass Effect's moody and ethereal space-age age soundtrack was one of the game's defining features, so whenword spread yesterdaythat the series' original composer, Jack Wall, had been replaced by Hollywood's Clint Mansell for Mass Effect 3, fan reaction was bittersweet. Afterall, while Clint Mansell is an inspired choice to score BioWare's landmark series, Jack Wall was in no way in need of a replacement. According to the man himself, however,it was his decision all along.

Far from a tale of studio douchebaggery or underhanded contract negotiations, Wallrevealed to Eurogamerthat his departure from Mass Effect 3 was nothing more scandalous than a personal decision.

"I have had a great relationship with the folks at BioWare having done three games with them. We're all still very good friends, so nothing dramatic," reflected Wall, adding, "I think it was just time for a change. I'm so proud of the work I've done on the ME franchise and I so appreciate the kind words about those scores from people like yourself.”

Wall also noted that he has some exciting projects in the pipeline and that he wished BioWare well with its upcoming sequel.

These days, there's rarely such thing as an 'amicable split' in the video game industry, so it's refreshing to have news of a studio departure not followed up with a week of playground drama and back and forth speculation. Granted, Wall's confirmed split with the Mass Effect series is likely to cause a little unrest amongst fans, but if he had to be replaced by anyone, we're glad BioWare picked Mansellto man thesound board.

Feb 11, 2011


Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.