A Marvel fan has reimagined MCU classics as Disney Plus series, and it works surprisingly well

Iron Man
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

A Marvel fan has reimagined several 'classic' MCU movies as Disney Plus series – and we would definitely watch.

Created by u/WhereIsOldZealand, each of the movies is edited into a Disney Plus preview screen, with the episodes listed below. Iron Man is broken down into three seasons with six episodes each, with each season presumably being Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Iron Man 3. The first episode of Iron Man season 1 is titled "Peace," with the description, "A weapons demolition in Afghanistan goes wrong leaving Tony Stark with few options." Another episode, "Something Big for 15 Minutes," takes its title from Tony Stark's quote about the Palladium Arc Reactor Mark I – which Tony and Ho Yinsen have designed to keep Tony's heart running for 50 lifetimes.

Captain America is also given its own three-season run, one for each movie. Captain America: The Winter Soldier begins with an episode titled, "Project Insight," with the description, "Nick Fury reveals the next stage of global peacekeeping – which Captain Rogers struggles to come to terms with."

The Avengers series is given a four-season run. Season 4 of the Avengers is, of course, Avengers: Endgame – with episode titles like "Six Stones, One Shot" and "In the Endgame Now." The season finale episode is the ominously titled, "Assembled," where the description is, "As the Avengers make their last stand, one hero must be willing to sacrifice everything to save reality itself." RIP Tony.

Marvel movies reimagined as Disney Plus series

(Image credit: u/WhereIsOldZealand)

"This works really well lol. This just proves that most of the Disney+ 6 Episode Series are just movies chopped up into 6 parts," someone replied.

"I agree, it's kind of like one REALLY long expanded movie. I think the best shows have taken that extra time to hit on the character development and let those personalities breathe. Get some more behind the mask," one user replied to the above comment. "Loki does this well, Hawkeye does this well and Falcon and Winter Soldier is an exception because it does the character things exceptionally well, but falls short in the overall story arc."

Marvel movies reimagined as Disney Plus series

(Image credit: u/WhereIsOldZealand)

"Should have done Eternals," one fan suggested. "Since that really would have benefitted from the extra run time of a series."

"I like the layout, and I wonder if the MCU was a show format from the beginning how different would it have been," another fan wrote. "If streaming was 10 years ahead of it's time I think it's a no-brainer that some of the lesser-known branded characters would have inevitably been shows instead of films (Ant-Man, GoTG, etc). I wonder if they would have done large overarching shows like this for all of it too."

Marvel movies reimagined as Disney Plus series

(Image credit: u/WhereIsOldZealand)

For more, check out our list of every upcoming Marvel movie and show that you need to know about.

Lauren Milici
Senior Writer, Tv & Film

Lauren Milici is a Senior Entertainment Writer for 12DOVE currently based in the Midwest. She previously reported on breaking news for The Independent's Indy100 and created TV and film listicles for Ranker. Her work has been published in Fandom, Nerdist, Paste Magazine, Vulture, PopSugar, Fangoria, and more.