Mario Party 8 review

Though a little party tardy, Mario multiplayer shines

12DOVE Verdict


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    Sounds emitted from the Remote

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    Over 70 games means lots to do

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    Multiplayer is golden as always


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    The games agonizingly slow pace

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    Emcee Ballyhoo and Big Top

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Once again the folks at Nintendo and Hudson have managed to gently pat that formidable bottom of the minigame barrel - but without all together scraping it. Mario Partyreturns, finally on the system it was meant for. If you ever cared for the Party series, then there's no reason the newest entry won't bowl you over. There are over 70 minigames crammed into the disc, and hey, a handful of them you can even play with your Miis.To keep the fanatics playing, you'll earn Carnival Cards that can be used towards unlocking a slew of items beyond just minigames. (All of which we chronicle in our ridiculouslycomprehensive guide.)

And it should be said that Mario Party has taken to the Wii like a prostitute to cocaine. Aiming with a cumbersome thumbstick has been done away with and guiding the cursor with the Wii Remote feels like a godsend. Plus the tilt sensing adds a whole new dimension to play. (Sadly, there's only one game that requires the Nunchuk attachment. And it's a flag waving good one too.) From buying property and thrashing opponents for their Stars, the new and distinct boards deliver a little more strategy than what you'd expect from a pick-up-and-play title.

It's all too easy to say the franchise has gotten stale, but you'd have to overlook the very foundation Mario Party was built on. Taking dozens of tired gaming formulas and boiling them to their thirty second essence is what has always made the Party series the best at what it does. It's all very much what we've come to expect from the series, but that's as long as you've come to terms with what not to expect. If you're anticipating an innovative game that rewards you on skill, well, thenthis may not bethe shindig for you.

More info

DescriptionMario Party hits Wii for the first time, offering loads of multiplayer minigames in the usual board game format.
Franchise nameMario
UK franchise nameMario
US censor rating"Everyone"
UK censor rating""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)