MLB 2K7 review

MLB 2K7 isn't just a pretty face

12DOVE Verdict


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    Nuance and subtlety galore

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    Beautiful presentation

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    Great online options


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    Wonky outfielder handling

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    Feast or famine hitting

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    Pitchers tire too easily

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Exclusives scare us - we’re fans of competition in our sports video games. For the second straight year, 2K Sports owns the only rights to build a licensed MLB game for the Xbox 360, and last season’s was little more than a painful foul ball off of the foot. To their credit, the gang over at 2K did an in-depth overhaul rarely seen in annual sports games; the result, we’re happy to say, is a smashing success.

As we expect by now from a next-gen game, the visuals and sound are pretty darned sweet. There’s eye candy in all over the place, from nifty wind physics that have uniforms flapping gloriously in the breeze to slick in-game graphics and awesome virtual lineup cards. MLB 2K7 isn’t just a pretty face, though, as the inherent gameplay is as deep and varied as Johan Santana’s pitch repertoire.

More info

DescriptionSimply put, it's a stellar title that'll keep baseball fans happy all season long.
Franchise nameMajor League Baseball 2K
UK franchise nameMajor League Baseball 2K
Platform"Xbox","PS3","Xbox 360","PSP"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)