Mad PSN game is part Tetris, part LittleBigPlanet and all killing giant robots in the face

Prepare your ocular area from some proper nuclear-powered madness, because an upcoming PSN game is about to combine Tetris-esque puzzling, jet packs and twatting huge robots in their mechanical mugs. Called Slam Bolt Scrappers (Best. Name. Ever.), it’s being developed by first time indie developer Fire Hose Games. Below, you’ll find screens and a video of what was undoubtedly PAX’s most bat shit game.

Coming exclusively to PSN early next year, the game sees you attempting to build giant towers in Slam Bolt City, all the while defending said structures from various baddies, including the aforementioned robots of death. It supports up to four player co-op and multiplayer and, basically, we were in as soon as we found out we'd be controlling jet pack-sporting Village People rejects.

Above: Pah, your cannon of doom is no match for the awesome defensive capabilities of my hard hat

Above: As long as Fire Hose can avoid any potentially tricky Tetris-based lawsuits from Nintendo, we reckonit's onto a winner with Scrappers

Still not convinced by the prospect of midair, jet pack-endorsed fighting and erecting towers equipped with cannons, death lasers and other weapons of mass destruction designed to wipe out cute, cartoon life? Well then, we'll simply leave you with this image of a flying Viking squaring up to a flying sombrero dude. Reply to this with cynicism of any sort and you've clearly had your fun marrow removed.

Above: We believe the words 'hells yes' would be appropriate here

Source: CVG

Sep 10, 2010

David Meikleham
Google AMP Stories Editor

David has worked for Future under many guises, including for 12DOVE and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too.