Mad Max History Relic locations guide

Dry Gustie

Wreck Hill

This Transfer Tank Camp is in the southwestern corner of the area. When you reach the upper areas, look for this little shack by the War Crier. Drop down the ladder inside to find a relic.

Scavenging Location #1

This debris site is found inside the convoy route. To get the relic, you'll need to carefully walk to the end of the long pipe.

Scavenging Location #2

There's a small camp built around a rock in the northeastern part of the area. Climb up the ladders there to find a relic at the highest point.

Scavenging Location #3

Just southeast of the last Scavenging Location is a camp buried in the sand. When you head into the underground portion, look for this relic atop a table.

Scavenging Location #4

At the southeastern edge of the region is this boat carcass. If you climb onto the helm, you can jump along a broken path on the left side of the boat, then drop to a ledge holding the relic.

Colossus relics are on the next page!

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Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.