Mad Max History Relic locations guide

Fuel Veins

The Pipes

You'll find this Oil Pump Camp in the southern portion of the area. After blasting through the spiked door inside, cross the bridge and look for this relic to the right of the nearby ramp.

Black Sands

This Oil Pump Camp is in the centre of the region. Proceed through the camp until you reach the water pump in the lower rooms. Use the Jimmy Bar to pry open the door to the right, and you'll find the relic in a corner on the other side.

Scavenging Location #1

There's a very large Scavenging Location just south of The Jaw - you'll come here as part of the story. After battling the Buckler, bear the right around the staircase and through the next door on the right. There's a relic on the floor of this little room.

Scavenging Location #2

In the centre of the region is another Scavenging Location. Climb the ladder to the top of the storage container to find another relic.

Scavenging Location #3

There's an encampment along the northern wall that borders this area. Head inside, climb to the second floor, then drop into the empty well in the back of the camp to find a relic.

Scavenging Location #4

The last relic in the area is at this very tall encampment to the northeast. Climb to the top - mind the snipers - to find it.

Dry Gustie relics are on the next page!

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Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.