Mad Max History Relic locations guide

Knit Sack

Pink Eye's Silo #1

This one's easy to find. Simply follow the pathway to the highest level of the silo.

Pink Eye's Silo #2

Complete "In Due Time" for Pink Eye to receive this.

Grave Bridge

This bridge, converted into a Stank Gum Camp, stands near the northeastern border of the region. Check the eastern half of the bridge to find a relic in a storage container along the way.

Scavenging Location #1

Southeast of Pink Eye's Silo is a destroyed train station. Look inside the train car to find a relic.

Scavenging Location #2

Continue southeast from the previous spot to find a camp in a cluster of rocks. Check the tents to find a relic.

Scavenging Location #3

Due south from the previous Scavenging Location is a ruin guarded by some snipers. Head into the underground portion to find a relic right near the stairs.

Scavenging Location #4

In the southeast section of the sack is a group of abandoned buildings. Head into the courtyard between them and climb to the roof to find a relic.

Wailing Wind relics are on the next page!

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Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.