Mad Max History Relic locations guide

Reek Hills

Scorched Sand

This Transfer Tank Camp is right in the middle of the hills. Take the left path by the War Crier and enter the shack at the next open area to find a relic inside.

Scavenging Location #1

Check the southeastern corner of the hills to find a plane in pieces. Check inside the hull to find a relic.

Scavenging Location #2

Now check in the soutwestern sector to find this marked cave. Check behind the storage container inside to find a relic.

Scavenging Location #3

There's a small cave you can squeeze into in the northwestern pocket of the hills. Follow the path to emerge on a cliff, where you'll find a relic at a small campsite.

Scavenging Location #4

Just southwest of the previous spot is another Scavenging Location - you can reach it by following the cliff path pictured above. When you reach the encampment, check the rusted plane hull to find a relic by the steps.

Cadavanaugh relics are on the next page!

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Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.