Mad Max: Fury Road could return to the big screen in its original black & white

If numerous end of year lists and awards nominations are any indication, we're not the only ones who thought Mad Max: Fury Road was one of the best films of 2015 (read our review here). It's got to be one of the most visceral and thrilling cinematic experiences of the year, with George Miller's action-heavy chase movie inspiring many how-did-he-get-that-shot? thoughts.

The big screen was where a film like Mad Max was meant to be seen, and though its cinematic run ended ages ago, according to Screen Daily, there's a possibility we'll be able to see it again in cinemas - this time, in its original black and white. "In 2016, there might also be a black-and-white version of the film, which Miller confirms was his original intent." The report reads. "A greyscale and silent version was leaked online in September, although it has since been removed. [Producer Doug Mitchell] says that an official version exists and could yet receive a theatrical release."

This would no doubt give the movie a push come awards season, but it would also be a very interesting experience as the use of colour in the original cut is very distinct. Would the palette change make the film better or worse? We couldn't wait to find out so we gave one of the trailers the monochrome treatment. See what you think below...

Images: Warner Bros

Amon Warmann

Amon is a contributing editor and columnist for Empire magazine, but is also a Film and TV writer for 12DOVE, Total Film, and others. He has also written for NME, Composer Mag, and more, along with being a film critic for TalkSport. He is also the co-host of the Fade to Black Podcast, and a video mashup creator. Can also do a pretty good Bane impersonation.