Mad Max Archangels and hood ornaments guide

Hood Ornaments


It's the first one listed, but you'll have to defeat the convoy in The Heights to unlock it. The route is pictured above.

Dread Ram

Defeat the first convoy in Fuel Veins. The route is pictured above.

Death Twins

Defeat the convoy in Cadavanaugh. The route is pictured above.

The Lawrel

Defeat the convoy in Colossus. The (rather large) route is pictured above.

Mask of the Pious

Defeat the convoy in Dry Gustie. The route is pictured above.

Plug Halo

Defeat the second convoy in Fuel Veins. The route is pictured above.

Helmeted Beast

Defeat the convoy in central Reek Hills. The route is pictured above.

Rubba Baby

Defeat the convoy in Parch Moon. The route is pictured above.

Desert Skull

Defeat the convoy in Blackmaws. The route is pictured above.

Sly One

Defeat the first convoy in Grit Canyons. The route is pictured above.


You'll have to defeat the second convoy in Grit Canyons during the story. You'll earn this when you do.

Demon Doll

Defeat the convoy in Knit Sack/Wailing Wind. The (massive) route is pictured above.


Defeat the final convoy in Grandrise. The route is pictured above.

At this point you will have unlocked all hood ornaments - congratulations!

Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.