Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Cheats
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King FAQs
LOTR: Return of the King FAQ
Submitted by James Shortland -
LOTR: Return of the King FAQ
Submitted by HobbitKing -
LOTR: Return of the King FAQ
Submitted by lotrwarrior27 (Mike Connelly)
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Hints
Xbox | Submitted by no-oneBeating Gorbag
When you reach Gorbag keep hitting him until you get perfect mode then hit him with two spears then final judgement - it's hard but do-able.
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat The Crack of Doom Really Easily
When you are fighting gollum you usually get your butt kicked (unless you are really good). I found it really easy to beat him by letting Sam hit him and beat him up. But when Gollum attacks you block him. (Watch out for his jump kicks!!!) Usually sometimes Sam makes Gollum go wobbly armed so push him and make him fall on the edge. Then stab him with the killing move. He will fall off and climb back up again. Do that repeatedly until you win.
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarBlack Gate:
There are two checkpoints in this level, but it is still difficult. First, you will have to defeat a big, black caped enemy. He is very easy to defeat if you use fierce attacks. Then, you must defeat six fat Orcs with green health bars above their heads. As they approach, you will have to fight many Orcs and protect your friends. Their health bar will be at the top of the screen. When it gets low, go to them and help them kill the Orcs. When you stand next to your friend, he will glow and get health. Make sure you stay next to him to get his health up. After three big Orcs are destroyed, the Orcs will attack ou from three different directions. Keep helping your friends and killing Orcs. Once you have killed all six fat Orcs, you will reach a checkpoint. Three Nazgul will appear. Kill them by shooting your ranged weapon (arrows or axes). Once all three of them are killed, the level will end
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarDefeating Golum
First of all before you get there buy some ent water this will make it much easier when you put on the ring keep slashing smeagol and remember to keep herbs coming when his health gets low he will fly back contrary to the gamecube, and the movie one you do NOT knock him off the edge rather he has health you cannot see all you need to do is keep throwing knives at him because he flies back he cant get close enough to hurt you continue till dead
Xbox | Submitted by zachThe Crack of doom
To beat gollum you must do rapid fast attacks until he is on the edge. Once gollum is on the edge and looks like he is loosing his balance and about to fall off the edge, hit him with a fierce or physical attack (I used fierce). then gollum will fall off but catch him self. You must Quickly stab him. he will fall and get hurt (this is the only way you can hurt him). Then repeat this several times and you will beat him.
Xbox | Submitted by dLOjTRhBeating Shelob
To beat Shelob you will have to be very good and very lucky. You will reach an opening where there's a checkpoint. Go through the opening and you will see a game clip of Shelob wrapping Frodo in web. Okay, after that, don't do anything but run up to her and use quick attack {A}. She will turn around and you will have to do one of two things. You can either take the hit {which doesn't do much}, or you can parry. Parrying might, only might save you from the hit. Then, she will repeatedly attack you. Use only quick attack {A}. Using fierce attack {Y} will only knock her back which will put her in a good position to charge forward at you. Eventually it will show a game clip of Sam swinging at and stabbing Shelob. There's nothing you can do to stop the next attack. She won't damage you too much, but it might go to her advantage in the end, if you get my meaning. She will climb up onto the wall and release her children, big spiders} to attack you. What ever you do don't use a ranged attack against her when she climbs up the wall, or she will jump down on you and you will have to fight both her and her children. Besides it doesn't do any damage to her anyway. Do this for a while and you will kill her and her children and you will never have to see them again.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat The Witch King
This is quite a hard boss if it's your first time. When you eneter the screen, you will see Theoden die at the hands of the Witchking. Go over to him and attack his Fellbeast ( 2 or 3 shots is needed) until it dies. The Witchking will then start following you and avoid him as much as you can. If he is not around defeat some of the countless Orcs pouring from the sides. Try to lead him to a fire as it will help you beat him. As soon as he is in one turn around and flare at him with you melee attacks (he can poison you so watch out) make sure you have a LOT of kingsfoil and keep using them. Once he dies you will recieve the artifact, Witchkings Crown. go to the left side of the screen to your friends, Gandalf and the others.
PS2 | Submitted by chris.haighGetting the Pelinor Fields
On the pelinor fields you are thrown straight into this massive war. first you have to kill 60 orcs but when you have done that you have to kill these oliphonts to do that you get out your arrows and shoot and when you have killed it another one comes so you have to run down a path go through all the war and up the other side kill that oliphont then a nazgul comes so go down the path you came up and go through to the front of the war then get out your arrows and shoot at the nazgul if you do not kill him before he flies away another oliphont will come. go up on to the side it is on and kill it then the nazgul will come again go to the same place again and if you do not kill it another oliphont will come then go and try kill the nazgul again keep doing this until the nazgul is down then you will have done the level.
PS2 | Submitted by chris.haighGetting Past the Crack of Doom
To get past the crack of doom you have to defeat gollum and you have to be frodo so when you have started try to push gollum to the edge by going up to him and tapping x then when he is near the edge tap x once he should start wobbling if not keep tapping x but when you get him wobbling tap triangle then he is hanging of the edge with his hands tap R2 and he will go down keep doing this over and over again for about 8 turns and he will drop off into the lava.
PS2 | Submitted by Mike HamiltonEasy Fight
Okay, this really isn't a "cheat", but it makes things easier. On the path of kings, play as Aragorn and get as many levels as you can and win the level. (perfect kills help a lot) On the next level,( king of the dead) you have to play as Aragorn or its harder than hell to kill the bugger. If the ghosts with the shields get is your way, and you have the shield smashing combo (really helps) use it to take them down. killing move etc. Arching the king also helps if you can.
GameCube | Submitted by PHIL DEANGet the Southern Gate Troll to Hold Door
To get the troll on the southern gate to hold the doors is to first don't kill it (duh). Then when you want to release the catapults and then go up the stairs in the blown-up tower. Then once you have taken care of all the trolls and the elephant thingy. try to move the gate. the troll is holding it shut. so if you want to get rid of him/it. Just go over to those round things (which are boiling hot pots of oil/lava!) then press Z on them and they will pour out on it. You will have to do this a number of times (and don't worry the vats of lava magically refill), but it takes time because he keeps on running back and looking at you like any dumb troll would. finally once you've killed it, you can open the gate.
(note one of your helpers sometimes will eventually kill him but not all the time so it doesn't always work).
GameCube | Submitted by DukmanDeafeat Gollum
To defeat Gollum you have to knock him off the cliff. Stand on the edge and wait for him to come near you. When he jumps to kick you get out of the way. You can use either Fierce Attack(Y) or Physical Attack(A). Its easier if you tap the both at the same time. Hit Gollum until he is almost off. Hit him again with the Fierce Attack. He falls but hold onto the top slam you sword(R) onto Gollums hands to make him drop. You then see a video of Gollum climbing back up! When he falls him health bar goes down a bit. Keep doing this until he loses all his health. Gollum then finally falls in to the fires of Mount Doom
GameCube | Submitted by JonathanHow To Destroy The Towers At Mines Tireth
When you see trolls pushing towers go to the catapult (the catapult is up some stairs and sometimes two men are standing at the bottom.) order the men to fire the catapult twice then the first tower will fall. For the second tower you go to the other side of the wall and shoot the tower with your staff and it will fall. (I don't remember how many times you have to shoot it.) Next you go to the catapult and fire 2 times the you go to the other side of the wall and if the tower hasn't reached the wall shoot it with your staff. If it has reached the wall kill the orcs then before any more come shoot it with your staff
GameCube | Submitted by PeterHow to Beat the Black Riders In the Black Gate
The easiest way to beat the black riders is to shoot at then with arrows. It is sooo much harder to fight them in hand to hand combat
GameCube | Submitted by game masterHow to Beat Shelob
you should get the poison sword and then once you get to shelob you will see her tying up frodo. so parry her claw thingies, then once she moves back hold y then let go when she comes back at u. after you stab her eye she climbs up the wall.
about six or seven spiders come flying down so kill those shelob will come back and keep reapting this until you cut off her arm then about 15 spiders come down but don't worry only 1 or 2 attack u at once. keep doing the parry over and over again until u kill shelob.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat Saruman
At first, just activate your lightning beam and shield skills. Then go and attack Saruman until he activates his shield at this point just attack him eith your lightning beam till his shield wears off. Now Saruman will escape. Try to not step on Saruman's blue traps and avoid Saruman's fire ball attack. When you beat him you will get Orb of Saruman.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat Corsair Captain
This won't be much of a problem if you're Legolas. Just charge your arrows and shoot him till he dies,Aragorn and Gimli will help you defeat this boss.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat Gollum
Now this is the hardest one. When Gollum wears the ring and goes to you keep on slashing him till you knock back him. Repeat this till you make him fall oven the edge.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat Mouth of Sauron
I recommend playing as Legolas since this boss is more on melee combat.Start first by closing the gates on the right and on the left after that both gates will automatically open. Now kill all the orc pikesmen guarding the archers (watch out,the archers can do poison). Then the Mouth of Sauron will advance towards you, attack him until he dies. Then go to the right gate to meet your allies.
GBA | Submitted by Justin TrumbleExtra Help From Rune Forges
If you want to increase your probabilities of winning on this game, save up your gems to buy runes that increase the status on your weapons for better overall damage to foes. You can find rune forges in various locations like Isengard Campsites. These forges can be noticed easily by looking for a small dwarf standing directly beside them.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarPrice Guide Tips
If the words of an object are written in
Yellow: Common, small amount gained
Green: Uncommon, ok amount gained
Red: Rare, large amount gained
Blue: Super rare, huge amount gained
GBA | Submitted by JaeDeagol's Skull
With Frodo on the level, Slopes of Mount Doom, Go northeast up several stairs and kill the standard bearer at the top. Open the chest. walk back to the beginning and go east until you come to Gollum. Open the chest to find the artifact, Deagol's Skull.
GBA | Submitted by Eric WhitesFire Arrows
To get Fire Arrows (only with Legolas)You have to press and hold B and a blue ring comes out of Legolas let go and a Fire Arrow shoots!
PC | Submitted by AerieusKing of the dead
When I faced the king of the dead for the first time I used Gimli I find this actually works all the time fighting the king as Gimli is so small until you hurt the king enough till his yellow life or until his ghost goes, he wont actually hit gimli!
Xbox | Submitted by nasty1991Help With Killing the King of the Dead
At the beginning when he comes out of the ground run back, because he does this weird attack that hurts u a lot. also when he goes back under the ground pull 'R' (the killing move) over him, and it will hurt him a lot this works really well
Xbox | Submitted by I wanna be Bam MargeraA HELPFUL TIP
This isn't really a cheat but when your playing Gandalf on the 1st Minis Tirith level your ballistic weapon can destroy the siege towers so don't rely on finding the catapults up the towers. Also, when you come across orcs on this level don't just run past them because the wall will be over run.
One final tip, killing the Nasgul on this level is hard, but worth it as it takes away a lot from the orc meter
When playing as Sam of Frodo whilst playing pres L=R down and you will go invisible for a while.
On all levels, when you come across a big troll thing with a club, shoot its breast plate off first using a powered up arrow, throwing axe etc.
Xbox | Submitted by Da lotr KINGGet Palantir of Saron (Unlockable Feature)
After beating the game, you get a bonus level, the Palantir of saramon. To get the other bonus, the Palantir of saron, beat the game as you did for the first, then reach level 10 with gandalf, sam, and either aragorn legolas or gimili.
Xbox | Submitted by legolasHelping With Orc Bane
For all of you beginners that buy lord of the rings. i can bet that you dont know how to use orc bane. first, chose a level (plennor feilds/ southern gate). kill the troll at the bridge then go into battle. first, parry successfully and by that i mean make the changing sound! immediately after that pull the left trigger then bam you have an orc bane. basically it INSTANTLY KILLS AN ATTACKING FOE! don't be confused by bane of sauron or the others there all the same
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarStrategy
Author: Flash_Thunderbird
R Return of the king
1. controls- square always parrys, wich is extremely important if you plan to make it through this game. if you ever get cornored by way too many enemies, always parry your way out.
triangle- is the fierce attack. use this to disarmor enemies, and to quickly and fiercely slaughter all enemies in your path.well...not all. Also, if you hold it, it will charge your special attack.
circle is your physical attack i.e. kick, punch, shoulder, etc. when hit it right after your x button, it cuases the charge manuever, wich instantly knocks over a normal foe.
x button- is speed attack, not as strong as the fierce attack, but faster, and overall more effective due to its ability to deflect blows and arrows.
L1- This arms your bow and arrow, your daggers, or your magic blast. Charge and shoot them with x; the longer you hold x the more powerful they become, after a few seconds of charging, it will be at its max.
R1-this is the action button, use this when you are close to or over a blue ring of elf runes
R2- this is your finishing move, when you are standing over an enemy that has fallen over, but not dead; press this button and it will finish off most enemies.
L2-use this to jump back, out of harm's way.
R1+R2+L1+L2 activates your special attack.For hobbits, this is invisibility. For gandalf this activates a super cool force field that works like a bugzapper. For legolas,gimli,and aragorn this means a strange red light the eminates from them to make them fiercer in battle.
R3-use this one to swing your weapon around like a wild man.
L3-use this one to steer your character through the level.
Characters, without em, this would be a button mashing fest for no apparent reason.
And enemies, what game doesnt have them?
::the good guys::
Aragorn: hes the true king of gondor, and the hier of isildur. He's got a heckuva big sword, and is okay with a bow and arrow. hes the medium guy. A friend of the elves.
Legolas: One of the best archers in all of mirkwood, not a king or anything. His knives are the bottom of the sword bucket, but still good. His bow is rivaled only by a 12 guage.
Gimli: His axe is HUGE! hes so powerful with it, he makes aragorn and legolas' blades look like a pumpkin carving kit. however, his ranged weapon can be compared to a child's toy gun with suction cup bullets.
Gandalf: The white wizard. Once you get his top ranged weapon, you can blow just about anyone away in one blast.
Sam: slow, weak, and unrefined as heck, but still manages to get the job done. It's all good.
frodo: almost the same as sam, but in my in my opinion, he's better.
Uruk-hai: found in "the road to isengard" and "helm's deep" missions.
Fairly weak against gandalf.othorwise, a fairly formidable foe.
Normal Uruks: found in "tower of cirith ungol","Shelob's lair", "escape from osgiliath", "pellenor fields", "the top of the wall", "the courtyard", "the southron gate", and "the black gate" weaker than uruk-hai.
Orcs: weak sons of guns, but when they swamp you, your in a bit of a mess. use speed attack to work your way out.
Trolls: big ol' buggers, and hard hitting too. Thier one flaw is: they are extremely dumb.
You can simply outsmart them, and get rid of them. simply get them to swing thier clubs, and while they're adjusting to the recoil, quickly run behind them and hack away with fierce attack, or stand a good way out of they're club's reach, charge an arrow to full, and let fly on it. then repeat.
Oliphants: a.k.a. big elaphants with arrow towers of orcs on thier backs. Found on the pellenor fiels, and southron gates levels. Eleminate them by fully charging an arrow, aiming at one of the four panels on the side facing you, then let fly.repeat until all four panels are destroyed.
Uruk captain type 1 : Big, fat, rolie-polie version of orcs that carry a dagger and a mace.
Lure it towards you, and stay just out of its way until it swings the mace, throwing it off balance. Quickly close in on it and attack with your fierce attack, it should knock a piece of armor from it. from there constantly speed attack it until it drops.
Uruk Cpt. type 2 : medium-thin uruks that carry some sticks with very painful spikes on the end. simply parry its attacks until they momentarily halt and then fierce attack it to knock off its armor, then proceed with a constant speed attack.
::the ghosts::
found only in the first 2 missions of the path of the king. These are weaker and dead versions of the orcs mentioned above, but somehow manage to be more deadly.
::the archers::
parry until the arrows momentarily cease. Then, return fire.
::the shields::
the most irritating enemies of the game. do one fierce attack to break thier shields, then speed attack them, if they fall do a finishing move on them.
The guide. the only true reason you wanted to see this.
Part 1: path of the wizard
This is gandalf's path, and more than likely the hardest path in the game.
1.1 Helm's deep
your thrown into this level no matter what path you want to take. if you dont like it, go cry about it, otherwise you might as well just keep reading. This picks up where two towers left off.
At the start of the level, you are hurled right in the dabsmack middle of five uruk-hai.Teach them about the speed attack. Keep running around zapping and slashing every enemy you can. Eventually legolas will ask you and gimli for help. Run through the shield uruks, and fierce attack the one guarding the ladder. go up it, and dont stop.you'll see why. Once you are up there, press and hold L1 and go mad on the x button until aragorn asks for your assistance. Legolas will run off to aragorn, and gimli will have gone too. wich leaves you to defeat the uruk-hai that plan to hold you up. Show 'em how it's done by pressing and holding triangle right away, releasing it, only when they get near you. Then run up to the claw thing that legolas jumped down. when you see the action ring, press L1 and gandalf will flip/slide down it. Run up and use the first crossbow, then run to the second, stopping along the way to use some spears for extra points. Use that crossbow, then run to the third (again, stopping to spear some uruks), watch the explosion, and the level ends to a cool cutscene
::cutscene: gandalf-end of helms deep::
Gandalf: -raises staff- back to your master, creatures of shadow! NAY! -slams down staff-
Uruk hai go running outta there like ants out of a car's air conditioner.
::end cutscene::
part 1.2
Gandalf goes to isengard to pay a visit to an old friend...
The level starts out with a scene from the two towers movie, once it's over the game will throw you (gandalf) into fangorn forest. Luckily this part of the forest beats the crap out of two towers' path.
Run forward on the trail, nevermind the uruk-hai unless they attack you first.After a little while you'll come onto a creek bed (I think. maybe the river isen?) if you follow it, even in the slightest, you'll be treated to an ent stomping on some orcs. Continue down the trail a little more and some shield uruk-hai will attack, with an archer in a fallen log overhead.
After theyve bet your blade, continue a little further until you see some carts. Shoot them with your zapper rod (a.k.a. bow and arrow, gandalf's way) to set off an eye candy explosion. Then take care of an archer, that shows up on a tree to your front and left.
Go on to the bridge, where two shield uruks and two archers will try to ambush you.
continue up the road, slaughter the two uruk-hai, zap rod the 2 archers that also hide in the area. continue on. at the bend in the road, 2 orcs and 2 uruk-hai will attack.follow the road down into a crater where 3 ents run around, stomping and slapping thier tiny foes all over the place. Kill the greeting comitee that comes for you and go down to the edge of the path, where an Icon will appear in the upper right hand corner of your screen.wait there, and let the ents do the job for you. In case your wondering, yes the ents can hurt you. Go through the gap created by the enraged ent, kill the uruk(s) around the corner, zap-rod the archers that show up, proceed on, kill the 2 uruks and slay the 3 orcs that await you. Kill the 2 uruks that jump out at you, enjoy the glimpse of orthanc, keep going, give the 2 orcses a taste of fire. Keep going, once you see the tall, awkward archer towers, do not stop unless to shoot the crates of dynamite next to each one.
Clear the bridge, follow down the path eleminating any opposition that you encounter (note: If you listen, after gandalf yells out to suaramon that he no longer seeks his councile you can catch suaramon yelling: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!)
go to the end of the path,turn to face the screen, walk to the edge, complete the about-face, and go down. Stay back and Zap-rod the uruk-hai guard a couple of times until he collapses, the go forth and slay the archers that shoot the ent, and zap-rod across the valley to the few orc archers. after they have been eliminated, more will come to replace them, with uruk-hai on your side. Kill them all before they can engage again. This ent is kinda weak, so get ready to put ||glamdring the foe hammer|| to good use.
PS2 | Submitted by Joe PlatonoffDefeating Gollum
To defeat Gollum you have to use square or triangle (you can also use R3) so that he is balancing on the edge of the rock. Then press square to knock him off but he is still clinging on. Then press R2 to stab him off.
PS2 | Submitted by tyco1220Kill the Spiders Easly
You know when u r playing the level that u have to use same. in the spider level use fierce attack and use finish move. In case if u don't know the buttons it (triangle and R2 button. when u use fierce attack the spider will fall down and then press r2 then the spider will die!!!
EXTRA HINT: when u play the 2 player mode its harder than the single player mode, the enemies is harder to kill. really I aint joking
PS2 | Submitted by TONY TUTTMinas Tirith Wall
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat Captain Shagrat
When playing as Sam, go to the Shrine and buy all the Kingsfoil herbs then go to a place where the are two chests, hide behind one and the orc captain will go there and just turn around and around. At that time keep on slashing him from behind the chest he will die eventually.
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat Shelob
Go to Shelob's Side and slash there until she dies. The place where you slash her must not be to near to her sting and not to near to her face.(Watch out, Shelob can do poison and has a special attack to slow you down) Once you defeat Shelob you will recive an artifact, Shelob's Stinger.
GBA | Submitted by Sam HopleySaruman's palantir
To get the artifact "saruman's palantir", you must be gandalf. when fighting saruman, go to the top of his room. there is a ledge at the top of his room. find the stairs that go up there then go up the sairs and left. you will find a chest, open it and you will find saruman's palantir.
GBA | Submitted by BenBetter Items
If you play the game in Grueling difficulty you should be able to get better items. The stronger the enemies are the better items you should get.
GBA | Submitted by JaeSimbelmyne
With Eowyn on the level, River Crossing, cross the river. The camera shows a horde of orcs. The artifact, Simbelmyne, will be below a pond in the valley where the orcs are.
GBA | Submitted by SergeiArtifacts
Here I have a list of the Artifacts found in the game:
Witchkings Crown: Defeat the Witchking of Anfmar to receive it.
Orb of Saruman: Defeat Saruman to obtain it.
Galadriels Lock: Look for it at the Plains of Ithilien with either Aragorn Legolas or Gimli
NOTE: You must have finished the game to find it.
Shelob's Stinger: Defeat the evil Shelob as Frodo.
Symbelmyne: WHEN PLAYING AS EOWYN, WHEN YOU'RE WITH MERRY WALK ALL OVER THE the Dunharrow Hills AND YOU WILL FIND THE FLOWER ( Many Goblin Heroes are guarding it in a small campsite)
GameCube | Submitted by andre 3000Beating the Dead King
You first have to choose a character I recommend Aragorn. When he comes out of the ground stand back then attack. when he attacks u got to pary. He should attack 4 times. He attacks 3 times then 1 last time. Do it a couple of times then he sets out some dudes. Kill them then hit him again. Eventually he'll shoot wind that hurts u. Don't go in front of the 1st rock. Go behind a further back rock. Come out and shoot but when he raises his arms get back. Then fight again and u are done. Oh and after that run out of there!!!!!!!!!
GameCube | Submitted by LuigimanGain Extra Experience For Gandalf
At Helm's Deep when you get to the catapults fire only 2 of em and then fight to get more experience. The 3rd will fire automatically after sometime. You should be able to get to level 3.
GameCube | Submitted by Nick B.How to Beat Pellennor Fields
Ok this is the toughest level in the game. Use Legolas for his good bow skills and speed.
First kill 60 guys. Then you will get a checkpoint. You'll have to kill an elephant while your up there. Go to the side where it has a catapult. Shoot it with the catapult and then shoot it with arrows. It will explode then you will have to kill another elephant. Go to the other side and do the same thing. Then it shows Merry and Aowen being knocked down by the witch king. Run to the other side of the mountain and load up your arrows. Let the arrow go after a while but not too long or he'll fly away. Then you'll have to kill another elephant and then the witch king again. Make sure the witch king doesn't kill Merry and Aowen or you will fail the mission at the checkpoint again. It will keep on doing this until you die, Merry and Aowen die, or the witch king dies
GameCube | Submitted by Mr.DudeHow To Beat The Crack Of Doom
This is the hardest level in the game its also the last. Here's how you beat it, after a while Gollum will scream, this means he's about to jump at you, make sure your near the edge when he does it. Now make sure your infront of him and his back is facing the edge now hit A he'll start to stretch hit Y or X and he'll fall off, now hit R and you'll take life off of him. Repeat 6 to 8 times to beat.
GBA | Submitted by OBobsessedWitch King
When battling the Witch King with Eyowen kill his mount then lead the King to the top of your screen where there are three rocks. On the left side of the shattered rock the King should get stuck. He will spin really fast and be unable to attack. (Most of the time) You can then rapidly hit him until he dies. The circle that usually is a compass, has turned green. That is the amount of life the King has left.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Cheats
PS2 | Submitted by B RaddGet Farromor
Pause screen
While holding down all the L's and R's press Triangle, Triangle, X,X and you do NOT have to beat the game
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, Up, Up, Circle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLDL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, Down, Down, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, X, Circle, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Triangle, Square, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, Square, Up, X
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, X, Down, Circle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Down, Triangle, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, Circle, Triangle, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Perfect Mode
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Up, Triangle, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Target Indicator
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Circle, Down, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Square, Triangle, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarDevastating
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, Down, Triangle, Up
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMax Health
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, Square, Circle, Circle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarBe Invincible
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, Circle, Square, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, X, Down, Up
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Legolas' Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, Square, Circle, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Legolas' Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Down, X, X
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Down, Down, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, Square, X, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, X, Square, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Square, Down, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, Up, Square, X
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, Square, Down, Up
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Circle, Square, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Square, Circle, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Down, Up, Up
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLDL1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Down, Square, X
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, X, Circle, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Down, Square, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Triangle, X, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Down, Square, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, Up, Up, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Legolas' Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Circle, Up, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, X, Down, Circle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, Triangle, X, Up
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Missiles
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Square, Square, Up, Circle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Upgrades
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Up, Triangle, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Triangle, Down, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Circle, Down, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, Up, Circle, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Triangle, X, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Down, X, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, Up, Down, Circle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Square, Triangle, Up
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, Square, Up, X
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Triangle, Up, Circle
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Down, Square, Down, Circle
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, X, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Up, Up, Down
Xbox | Submitted by fishUnlock Secret Characters
Press pause and hold the left and right triggers to unlock Faramir, Merry, Pippin and Frodo
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, Up, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, B, Down, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, B, Y, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarMax Health
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, B, X, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarDevastating
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, Y, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Target Indicator
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, X, Up, B
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Upgrades
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, Down, Y, B
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, A, Down, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Up, Up, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Y, X, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, Down, X, A
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Perfect Mode
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Down, Y, A
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, B, Y, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, Down, Down, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, A, Down, Up
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, A, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Y, B, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, X, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, A, B, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, X, B, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, A, Down, B
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, B, Down, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, B, X, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, Down, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, X, Down, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, B, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, A, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Missiles
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, B, Down, X
Xbox | Submitted by EliExperience points
After pausing the game Hold L + R and press the following
Up, B, Y, A. 1000 Experience for Aragorn
Down, Y, Up, Down. 1000 Experience for Frodo
B, Y, Up, Down 1000 Experience for Gandalf
X, X, Y, A 1000 Experience for Gimli
A, Y, Up, A 1000 Experience for Legolas
Y, A, Down, A 1000 Experience for Sam NOTE: You may have to finish the game one time before the following codes Below can be enabled:
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarBe Invincible
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, X, B, Up
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Y, A, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, X, B, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, A, B, B
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, Down, Y, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, B, Up, A
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, B, Up, A
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, A, X, X
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, X, A, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Y, A, Up
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, X, Down, Up
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, X, A
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, B, Down, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, Down, B
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, A, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, X, Y, Up
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, Up, Up
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, A, B, Y
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Up, Up, B
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, B, Up, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Down, Down, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, A, A
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarMax out missiles
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
7, 7, 9, 5
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandolf Level 4 Attacks & Abilities
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
6, 8, 7, 4
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
4, 4, 6, 6,
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarInvincibility
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
7, 5, 7, 8
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarget all upgrades
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
8, 9, 6, 7
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Target Indicator
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, X, Up, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarDevastating
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, Y, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, B, Down, X
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Upgrades
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, Down, Y, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, B, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Legolas' Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Up, Up, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, B, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, B, Down, Up
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Y, A, Up
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, A, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, X, Down, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Y, B, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, Down, X
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, B, Y, Up
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, B, X, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, A, Down, X
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Y, A, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, B, Up, A
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, Up, X
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Lagalos' 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Up, Up, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Aragon's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, B, Y, Down
PS2 | Submitted by EliExperience points
After pausing the game Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press the following
Up, Square, Triangle, X 1000 Experience for Aragorn
Up, Triangle, Up, Down 1000 Experience for Frodo
Circle, Triangle, Up, Down 1000 Experience for Gandalf
Circle, Circle Triangle, X 1000 Experience for Gimli
X, Triangle, Up, X 1000 Experience for Legolas
Triangle, X,, Down, X 1000 Experience for Sam
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, A, X, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Y, X, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, Down, B, A
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, A, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, Down, Down, Down
GBA | Submitted by ccDouble of any item
Trade with one of your friends or yourself to another game with a link cable. with the other gameboy, save your game with the other gameboy but dont save the gameboy that just traded. After you saved your game, turn both of them off. turn them on again and you should have your item and the other gameboy should have its item. Finally, have one of the gameboys trade its item and one should have 2!
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarRestore health
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
7, 7, 5, 5,
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarTargeting on
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
9, 5, 8, 7
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarAlways devastating mode
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
6, 8, 6, 9
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarPerfect Mode
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
5, 9, 6, 4
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Aragon 4-hit Combo
Pause the game, then hold down the Left CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT keys. Then input the numeric sequence on the number pad (while holding down these buttons). Then release the buttons. You will hear a metallic clink sound to confirm your cheat was accepted.
8, 7, 6, 9
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Legolas' Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, X, Up, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, A, X, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Legolas' Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, B, X, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, A, Down, X
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Down, Down, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Legolas' Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, A, A
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, B, A, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, A, B, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, X, Down, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, X, B, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, B, Down, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, B, A
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Frodo's Level 4 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, Up, X, Down
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gandalf's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, A, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Y, A, B, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Up, Down, Y, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Faramir's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press A, B, Up, A
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarMax Health
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, B, X, X
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarBe Invincible
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, X, B, Up
GameCube | Submitted by EliExperience points
After pausing the game Hold L + R and press the following
Up, B, Y, A. 1000 Experience for Aragorn
Down, Y, Up, Down. 1000 Experience for Frodo
B, Y, Up, Down 1000 Experience for Gandalf
X, X, Y, A 1000 Experience for Gimli
A, Y, Up, A 1000 Experience for Legolas
Y, A, Down, A 1000 Experience for Sam
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Merry's 4 Hit Combo
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Triangle, X, Square, Square
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X, Circle, Down, Square
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Gimli's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Y, Down, B
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlimited Missiles
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, B, Down, X
GBA | Submitted by BenInfinite Damage
Pause the game and equip a two-handed weapon. Now equip a shield, which automatically un-equips the weapon. Re-equip the weapon. Do this a couple times and then go check out your damage! Each time you equip the weapon, its damage rating will be added to your total damage. This will remain in effect for the rest of the map.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 2 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, A, Down, Up
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, X, Y, Y
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Sam's Level 6 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press Down, Down, Up, Up
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Perfect Mode
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press X, Down, Y, A
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Pippin's Level 8 Skills
After Pausing the game HOLD L + R and press B, Up, Up, X
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Unlockables
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Merry, pippin, Faramir, Levels & Interviews
Finish the game one time
GBA | Submitted by Jeremy LaneBonus Levels
Fangorn: Beat the game with all characters.
Weathertop: Beat the game with all artifacts
Helms Deep: Beat the game with any character
Moria: Beat the game with any character
GBA | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Smeagol
To unlock Smeagol you will need to beat the game with 2 characters.
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