RIP to Marvel’s best double act: Loki season 2 head writer confirms that's the last time we'll see Loki and Mobius together

Loki and Mobius in Loki season 2
(Image credit: Marvel Studios)

The Loki season 2 finale was full of painful goodbyes and huge sacrifices, but one that will linger with us is Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Mobius’ (Owen Wilson) final farewell. After time-slipping back to their first meeting, the pair had a loaded conversation about the nature of sacrifice, and it’s even more poignant now that we know this will be their final scene on screen together.

Head writer Eric Martin confirmed the news in an interview with, sharing that it was an emotional moment to film. "It's a special thing, because Tom and Owen, they have a real connection on screen," he said. "That chemistry is there. It's there in person. They work so well together. I think it's touching for everybody on set because you're just feeling a little bit of magic. It's the last magic that everybody will see."

Executive producer Kevin Wright added how important it was for them to work that goodbye into the finale’s script. "I think structurally we felt as soon as Loki gets back into the Temporal Core control room, the story's got to pick up, and you're going to move into this fully different thing. There's no time to stop down and have that sort of goodbye with Mobius. When you start talking about, 'OK, we need to carve out some way that we can get somewhere and have a goodbye with Mobius'. And Mobius doesn't know it's a goodbye. Literally, in his timeline, he's just meeting this guy. But to Loki, this is the goodbye."


(Image credit: Marvel/Disney Plus)

It’s a fitting farewell at least for one of the most unlikely, and beloved, duos in MCU history. It features a lot of emotional weight and denouement for the pair, and of course it’s Mobius who is the person that gives Loki the words he needs to hear. "Most purpose is more burden than glory, trust me you never want to be the guy who avoids it because you can’t live with the burden," he tells him, all but setting him on his final path to the Citadel.

But while we’re glad we had that final moment between the pair – as well as finding out that Mobius finally got his jet-ski – we’re going to miss this odd time-keeping duo. A slice of key lime pie to mark the occasion, anyone?

For more on Loki season 2, check out our guides to Renslayer’s mysterious final scene, how an Ant-Man 3 reference sets up the future of the MCU, and our biggest Secret Wars tease yet. We also have explainers on:

Fay Watson
Deputy Entertainment Editor

I’m the Deputy Entertainment Editor here at 12DOVE, covering TV and film for the Total Film and SFX sections online. I previously worked as a Senior Showbiz Reporter and SEO TV reporter at Express Online for three years. I've also written for The Resident magazines and Amateur Photographer, before specializing in entertainment.