Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy review

Even better than a night on the town with Yoda strapped to your back. Seriously...

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Also new - or at least, so much improved that they're virtually unrecognisable - are the vehicle sections. Now they're more free-roaming, letting you fly back and cover old ground to find minikit parts. Although, if we have one complaint about this and the rest of the game, it's that they can go on just a bit too long. Blowing up one electro-gate's fine - by the time you get to electro-gate six or seven, you just want to get to the exhaust port.

Above: Blast your way to the Death Star, pausing occasionally to pick up bombs

Of course, there isn't much Traveller's Tales can do about this - there are only so many action scenes in the three films, so stretching them out's the only way you can realistically make a game out of them - but it's still a bit of a downer.

That minor whinge aside, though, there's nothing you can hate about Lego Star Wars. It's excellent stuff - and because it's based on a trilogy of films that we actually like, rather than one we sat through grudgingly, it's even better than the first game.

More info

DescriptionA blocky empire strikes back in this sequel to the surprisingly enjoyable lite actioner Lego Star Wars.
Franchise nameStar Wars
UK franchise nameStar Wars
Platform"Xbox 360","PSP","GameCube","DS","GBA","PC","Xbox","PS2"
US censor rating"Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone","Everyone"
UK censor rating"","","","","","","",""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)
Joel Snape
Joel Snape enjoys Street Fighter V, any sandbox game that contains a satisfyingly clacky shotgun and worrying about the rise of accidentally-malevolent super-AI. He's also the founder-editor of, where he talks a lot about working out.