Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham character unlocks guide

Open World 


Batgirl: Complete Ace the Bat-Hound's first quest.
Ace the Bat-Hound: Complete his second quest.
Kevin Smith: Complete his first quest.
Toyman: Complete Kevin Smith's third quest.
Polka-Dot Man: Complete Kevin Smith's fifth quest.
Detective Chimp: Complete Mister Mxyzptlk's first quest.
Nighwing: Complete his quest.

For more information on quests, see our Gold Brick locations guide.


Check by the supercomputer for a dead electrical circuit. Charge it up with someone like Shazam to open the nearby chest for a token.

Joker Clown Henchman

In the lower left part of the cave are five flags: two on the rocks to the left, one on the stairs to the right, one on the rocks to the right, and one on the columns on the right. If you bust up one, a timer starts. Hit them all before time expires to earn this token.

Batman (Darkest Night)

In the same area is a token protected by a security camera. Use a stealth character to slip past and grab it. Alternatively, you can dig up the nearby dirt patch and build the pieces you find into a handle that shuts down the camera.

Bruce Wayne

Head down to the water to find this glass rock blocking a small cave. Use a sonar character to shatter it and reveal a sense spot. Use a sensory character to make a golden rock appear, then melt this with a laser character to discover a token.

Alfred (1966)

Just to the right is a small tunnel. Use Atom to shrink down and enter, then hit the switches inside to kill the shock gates and make your way through. A token awaits you at the end.

Batman (Zur-En-Arrh)

You'll find this in the Trophy Room. By the Red Brick machine are three hidden switches: one under the stairs, one you can build by busting up the boxes on the platform, and one behind a silver rock on a ledge to the right. Flip all three to free the token from its chest.


This is also in the Trophy Room, by the chess pieces. Bust up the pawns and boxes to find loose bricks you can build into two additional pieces. They will then get a checkmate on the board and spawn a token.

The Grey Ghost

This is inside the Character Customizer. Look for five little computers right near the customizer, and smash all five to kill a nearby laser gate. Bust open the pipe on the other side to find the token.

The Watchtower

Plastic Man: You'll acquire him as part of a story quest, when Plastic Man confronts Mr. Freeze.
Black Canary: Complete Aquaman's first quest.
Condiment King: Complete Kevin Smith's first quest.
Killer Moth: Complete his quest.
Booster Gold: Complete his second quest.
Catwoman (Pre-52): Complete her quest.

For more information on quests, see our Gold Brick locations guide.

Kid Flash

There are five silver statues in the main room: on the far left, on the lower platform, by the Batcave teleporter, by the Trophy Room entrance, and on the far right platform. Destroy one with a demolition character to start a timer; destroy them all before it runs out to earn a brick.

The Question

On the left side of the main room is a sense spot. Use a sensory character there to reveal a magnetic box, then use a magnetic character to open the box and find a token inside.

Music Meister

In the middle of the main room is a switch. Pull it, and the globes attached will glow in a certain order. Step on the switches in the same order to win the token.

Joker Space Henchman

Go to the Containment Cells and head to the far left of the upper walkway. Over here is a golden lock; melt it down to open the box and release a token.


Head into the Trophy Room and check out the top left ledge. Use a demolition character on the silver statues here, then use a sensory character on the spot that appears, then use a demolition character again to blow the chest that appears. The token is inside.

Black Adam

On the opposite ledge are two black pillars. Shrink them with Brainiac to shut off the switches they're on and open the chest holding the token.

Tim Drake

Head to the top right platform inside the Hangar. In the corner are a laser gate and several Mini-Robin hatches. Deploy one from Robin's Techno Suit, then use the hatches to access the switch and the chest containing the token.

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Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.