Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham character unlocks guide

Chapter 12: All the Rage 

Bleez (Story Mode)

In the opening area, look to the right of the green gate to spot a beehive. Yank it down to find a token inside.

Red Lantern Warrior (Free Play)

Across the pit in the second zone is a target for Robin's pole. Hit it, then swing on the pole to release the rock. It'll break up and reveal a token.

Atrocitus (Free Play)

In the same area is Bat-Mite, who's looking for a silver helmet. After talking to him, a sense spot appears. Use a sensory character to reveal a dirt patch, then rip this up with digging character to find the helmet. Hand it over to the mite for another token.

Chapter 13: Need for Greed 

Kilowog (Story Mode)

On your way up the hill, look for this nest. Shoot three eggs to hatch three birds, then shoot them all (the last is much bigger and shoots back) for a token.

Orange Construct Warrior (Free Play)

Inside the temple area is Bat-Mite, looking for some "fan service." After talking to him, a sensor spot appears, so use a sensory character to discover a gold flower-covered waste container. Use a laser character to open it; it'll take 30 bits of debris. Bust up the plants in the area for the pieces, then use a hazard character to collect them and power the container. It'll spawn a plane, which will do some tricks and make Bat-Mite happy, earning you a token.

Larfleeze (Story Mode)

When you reach the giant statue section of the temple, turn around and head down the stairs to find some block switches. Hit them with a big character's slam attacks* to raise a totem full of studs; it'll topple over once you've hit every switch. When it falls, destroy it to find a token.

*This token is supposed to require a different method, but big characters got the job done every time I tested it.

Chapter 14: Aw-Qward Situation 

Arkillo (Free Play)

Near the electrified gates is a magnetic wheel. Use a magnetic character to turn it and release some loose bricks, then build these into a tech panel. Use a tech character to open the nearby clamps holding the token.

Sinestro (Free Play)

After taking down Arkillo, look for a purple rock and shrink it with Brainiac. Use a tech character on the panel it was covering to surface a chest containing a token.

Sinestro Corps Warrior (Free Play)

Bat-Mite can be found in the lower area; this time he wants a special staff. To find it, head back up the upper area, to the tunnel that led to the conduit that turned off the electrified gates. There's a new sense spot here, so use a sensory character to reveal the staff. Return this to the mite for a token.

Chapter 15: Breaking the Ice 

All the goodies in this level are found in a secret area. To get there, use a laser character to melt the ice around a Lantern pad on the right side of the area. Use a Lantern character to chip out the first minikit and reveal a vent, then slip through with Plastic Man.

Superman (Solar Suit) (Free Play)

Look for this tech panel in the centre north of the room. Activate it with a tech character, then select the correct shapes in the little puzzle. Complete the giant arrow to spawn a token.

Cyborg Superman (Free Play)

Bat-Mite can be found in the middle of the room, and this time he wants a Batman cowl. Use a stealth character to pass the security camera south of him. In this bedroom is a sense spot, so use a sensory character to reveal a gold lock. Melt this with a laser character to open a drawer and reveal the cowl. Take it to Bat-Mite for a token.

Composite Superman (Free Play)

In the back right of the area are a square, circle, and star block, and some glass crystals. Shatter the crystals with a sonar character, the build the debris into a disco ball. Charge up the nearby conduit with an electric character (you can get a charge from the conduit near the vent) to start a dance party. Hop to the appropriate blocks in time, and you'll soon earn another token.

Bonus: Same Bat-time! Same Bat-channel! 

Catwoman (1966) (Free Play)

Bust up the objects near the centre of the Batcave to find loose pieces you can build into a Lantern pad. Do so, then use a Lantern to construct a safe that opens to reveal a token.

The Penguin (1966) (Free Play)

On the right side of the Batcave, you'll find Bat-Mite, who's looking for shark repellent. After talking to him, it simply appears on a table in the middle of the room. Hand it over to the mite for his last token.

The Riddler (1966) (Story Mode)

When you reach the diner, look by the bar to find some glowing objects to destroy; beneath them is a patch of dirt Batgirl can dig through. Do so to dig up a token.

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Freelance Writer

Tony lives in Maryland, where he writes about those good old-fashioned video games for 12DOVE. His words have also appeared on GameSpot and G4, but he currently works for Framework Video, and runs Dungeons and Dragons streams.