Legend of Dragoon, The Cheats
Legend of Dragoon, The FAQs
Legend of Dragon FAQ
Submitted by Happy Matt
Legend of Dragoon, The Cheats
PS1 | Submitted by AnonymousLoyd
When fighting Loyd do not transform into a Dragoon he will use the Dragon Buster on you and you will die. Use the attack ball and magic attacks on him he will dodge most physical attacks.
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarBoss with the dragon block
When fighting the boss that has the dragon block stuck in him only use physical and magic items only. If transformed into a dragoon the boss will use the dragon block and will render you help less with only 10-20 hp damage
PS1 | Submitted by EnderEasy Boss Kills
First you will need a turbo controller. Next stock up on a bunch of items that are the opposite element of the boss that you are fighting. Then when you are fighting the boss se an item and make sure that tubo is on and watch the item grow in power. This will help alot because of the power you can get from the item.
PS1 | Submitted by charles bachmanEscape easier
When you escape from a battle, if you push the "x" button, right before you would normally turn around, you will get a better chance of escaping.
PS1 | Submitted by TeleboardsMore damage!
When you are in battle with a character that can do Additions and you select Attack and you are charging at the enemy as the outer square closes in on the inner square press the X button just as the two squares hit and if your timing is done right you can hit them an extra time giving you more SP and dealing out more damage. With different Additions you can do more and more damage. Good Luck!
PS1 | Submitted by NIKE89802 Stardust Locations in BALE.
The first stardust stone is in the weapons shop. It's located in the spear holder. The second stardust stone is located in the castle. Its is in the room where you find the guard practicing on a dummy. Walk upwards along the stables with the horse in em' and come to the stove were the blacksmith is. Turn towards the stove and press X. He will say something like (ouch, that's hot) then it will say (Aquired Stardust).
PS1 | Submitted by MattFighting Lloyd
When you fight lloyd after beating the Divine Dragon, only keep your Dragoon power at 1. that way, he won't have the chance to kill you with the dragonbuster. you will only be transformed for one attack, so you will still have the chance to use magic or a Dragoon attack. If you have any armor pieces that regenerate your SP, it would get you back up to 1 dragoon transformation a lot faster when you use physical attacks against him.
although it is always a bright idea to load up on healing fogs, angel's prayers, and plenty of powerful attack items.
most recommended team to use:
Hashel-strong dragoon magic(thunder god)
Kungol-highest physical attacks, and best defense
PS1 | Submitted by JAMES TYLER TARLTONKongols dragoon sprit (early)
After you get Kongol on your team go back to Lanhan and go see the man that sold you the water bottle. He will offer you a shining stone for 100.00.if you buy it Kongol will have his dragoon sprit.
PS1 | Submitted by ZYZINXXBeating The Last Kraken
To beat the last kraken I found the best team for the job is Dart,Rose,and Kongol. Make sure they are all at least at level 30 and Dragoon level 3. When you first start to fight him use Darts dragoon special, cause the last kraken is a water element, and use his final burst. It should do at least 800 hp and if he is at level 5 than you can do it 5 tims adding up to a lot of damage. then as you should already know you cannot use items when you are in dragoon mode so you should use roses Astral Drain, it won't do alot of damage but it will heal your guys enough to stay in the game. before you enter the room with the last kraken make sure kongol is equiped with the atack badge, then use his regular D-atack and it should do at least 650 hp. continue in that sequence until you are all out of sp. when the last kraken is in the red he will start to do hard magical attacks and he will have these to little angel type lookin guys come out and start to attack you they o like 2!
00 hp a peice so make sure you have alot of healing fogs and breezes. your best bet is to use magic items that effect all of three of the guys. GOOD LUCK AND KEEP ON GAMIN
PS1 | Submitted by SandjonFinal Weapons
Dart: You find Darts final weapon on discs 3 or 4( whichever time you want to get it). You will find it in the snow fields if you fall down the snow slide. You fall down to the bottom and see a little sequence then go to the place where Dart asked rose if it was Zenbatos. You go through there until you get to the bottom and a platform the you see another sequince on the platform and then you will fight a goast with three parts. Destroy the sword first then the armor then the helm. you will win a soal eater, equip a therapy ring cuz the sword will decay hp but if you have a therapy ring it will have no effect.
Shana/Miranda: you will find it in the moon that never sets in a chest.
Rose: when you make it to the last boss you will recieve the Divine dragon's dragoon spirit and the dragon buster.
Kongol: you will recieve his weapon in the moon that never sets when you beat his brother.
PS1 | Submitted by God of War(A.J.)10 stardust locations
Seles- 3rd headstone on left, by tree.
Capital City of Bale- Room in basement(use boat). Weapon shop, Spears. Well in front of Lavits home. Lavit's Kitchen. Castle, third floor, top-left room. 1st floor, fireplace.
Hoax- Conference room, bottom left. Upperleft house, fire place.
Marshland- Stronghold's fireplace.
PS1 | Submitted by KylieFree water bottle
I don't know if this works,but it worked with my game, so here goes.When you are at the part where Shana is sick and you need to get the Dragoni plant,you'll need a water bottle to get rid of a blocking plant.When you are about to exit,someone will try to sell you a water bottle for a totally bogus price.But if you keep on rejecting his bidding price after he bids a 100,if you reject him he'll give you the bottle for free.Good luck!
PS1 | Submitted by Bryan McCarthy6 Stardust Locations In Bale
1. The fireplace in the armor making room under the castle
2. by the spears in the weapon shop
3. The well near Lavitz's house
4. Go to the part of the castle with the horses. Then go up the stairs into the upper castle. Go to your left down the ladder. Then down the next ladder. Turn the wheel and a door will open near you but you can't get to it yet. Now go to the bar and buy the spirits from the bar tender. Go under the bridge and give the drunk the spirits. He will move to the side. Go to the stairs and take the upper path and get in the boat. Get off the first time it asks you. Go in the door and at the end of the path is a stardust.
5. Second level of the castle in the upper left room.
6. In the room where Shana and Lavitz's mom are cooking. Look to the right on the rack.
PS1 | Submitted by Ne0Special Dragoon Mode
All you have to do for this code is level all three characters in your party to Spirit Point Max (where you get the option to morph into a Dragoon) and when you go to the attack menu there will be a Yin-Yang symbol with the word SPECIAL above it in red. Click it and the character whose turn it was will morph (along with all the other characters in your party) and the character who's turn it was when you clicked the symbol, will do an AUTOMATIC PERFECT Dragoon Addition Attack!!! Another cool thing about this code is when the symbol is clicked the background fades to black and then to a sort of funky moving background.
PS1 | Submitted by BakkerkidFixing some mistakes and adding some hints
First of all, in the fight against Kongol, someone said never to use physical attacks or he will hit you back for much more than you did to him. This is not true. He will ONLY hit you back if you fail to complete your entire addition. For me this happened only once.
Another easy way to find the Sandora Elite soldier when he multiplies is to cast an item that effects all the players. The one who takes damage is the real one.
There are a total of 50 stardust's in the world. Try to find them all. There are at least 5 in Bale (if not 6). One is in Dart's home town... There are usually several per town (including the Queen Fury).
When fighting a boss, it is usually not a good idea to try to keep stealing HP from him through Rose's magic attack. Instead, use the Green Dragoon's "BLossom Storm" which makes all damage for 3 rounds only 1/3. Very useful versus those powerful bosses.
At the Carnival after the Hero Match, play games until you get 60 tickets or more. Then buy yourself a healing rain. The best game to do this on is "What's wrong with this scene", but it will take you about 30 tries to get 60 tickets.
While fighting the monster under Hellena Prison, you first receive a Sachet. This sachet will work on him very nicely. However, if you throw the sachet first thing and then try to kill him he will wake up very soon and once he hits the red, you will be hard pressed to defeat him. The best thing to do is hold off on e sachet until he hits red. That way he won't use his speed as much as he could, and you'll get to kill him before he wakes.
PS1 | Submitted by Simoon52Secret Bosses and awesome weapon!!!
When you reach the 3rd and 4th disk of the game you are able to fight secret bosses. On the 3rd disc when you reach snowfeild after the talk with Lloyd don't leave so early. When reach the last section go to the far left corner and fall all the way down to Fort Magrad an old human headquarters. Travel all the way till you fight the Polter ghost. He has 3 sections.
Sword (3,500 HP)
Helmet (2,500 HP)
Armor (3,400 HP)
Tip: destroy the sword first. After the battle you will receive the soul eater which may seem bad because it decays HP. If you equip the therapy ring it will have no effect. You also win the smoke ball which can let you run away from any minor enemies and can be used an infinite amount of times.
On the fourth disc once you can reach vellweb again help Shirley and the Dragoons from the Dragon Campaign by defeating the for dragoons.
Syuveil (10,000 HP)
Damia (9,000)
Belzac (16,000 HP)
Kanzas (12,000 HP)
The only reward from these battles are money and experience.
Finally after collecting all stardust recieve the vanishing stone and fight Faust and win a Phantom Shield!!!
PS1 | Submitted by GamesRadarLenus - The First Winglie Battle
When you reach Fletz and the Twin Towers, you must go on a quest that ultimately ends you back at the castle with the two princesses right before the Moon Dagger is passed on to the fake princes. Before you enter the Chamber of the Sun make sure you have saved your game and have plenty of Healing Breezes, Healing Potions, and Angel's Prayers in stock. You in for one hell of a battle.
Though the battle itself is not long and there is no special music letting you know that it is a major battle but this was the first time that I had died in the game. Make sure you have people in your party with the highest max HP. Keep your HP as high as you can without going through turns oh Healing Breezes and Potions. You might want to consider having Rose in your party because she has the Astral Drain magic which can heal your entire party and do damage to Lenus at the same time. Keep hitting with everyone until you can get a special. Your best bet is to use the special of the person wit the strongest attack. That way you can use your Dragoon Attack and you will automatically pull of the finisher (a perfect.) When Lenus moves her hands and draws a Chinese leter in the air hold on to your hats because it will do serious, I mean SERIOUS damage. And you want to hear the bad news? She may do it a bunch of times in row. My guess is that by the second time she uses it, tw!
o of your guys will be knocked out, and then with only one guy standing and really weekend you can either heal him, then get hit again, or use an Angel's Prayer and have both of them knocked out. It may take you a few trys, but this battle is winnable. My guys were at about level 20. If your guys or higher than you should be better off. If your lower, I recommend you level up outside the city. Good luck and keep on gaming
PS1 | Submitted by The GodfatherKill Rare Monsters Easily.
If you hate fighting those rare monsters like ooparts and blue bird that always run away, you might profit from this code. Instead of trying to hit the rare monsters and keep missing, try using items such as satchet or other magic items.
PS1 | Submitted by JASonGet kongol's DS early
After you get Kongol in your party.Go to Lohan and buy his Ds from the man you got the water bottle from for 1000g.
PS1 | Submitted by Dark Cloud RSXEasy Boss Defeats or enemies!! ( Turbo Controller )
If you have a turbo controller use this cheat!! ( Turbo Controller is a controller with a turbo button ) Buy lots of Burn Out or whatever and when you run into a strong enemy use the Burn Out or whatever and press the turbo and the X button together and just hold the X button all the way until the percent in the bottom right hand corner stops........I hope you done a least 30 damage^-^
PS1 | Submitted by DartOfDragoonBeat Lloyd with Dragoon Mode!!!
Just because Lloyd can kill your characters in dragoon mode doesn't mean you can't use them. Just equip one character (I chose Dart because he hits the hardest) with the Talisman accessory. This protects against Lloyd's attack. You can use 3 talismans if you have them. If not, just make sure you use Dragoon mode only when you have 100 SP,or in other words, one turn as a dragoon. That way, you hit and run, avoiding his attack.
PS1 | Submitted by RPG_GAMERBeating 'Sandra special soldier' and 'Kongol'
Before you go to 'Hocus', buy lots of magic items from the item store and make sure that all your characters are atleast at level 6.
Sandra special soldier:
Only use physical attacks against him and don't waste your magic items to try to defeat this guy. When he transforms into three, the one that uses magic is the real one. [IF YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT THE REAL ONE, THAN KEEP DOING GUARD]
This guy is very strong!!! Only use magic against him. [IF YOU USE PHYSICAL ATTACKS THAN YOU WILL BE COUNTERATTACKED WITH MORE DAMAGED HP TO YOU!] Keep using magic attacks and using the option 'Guard' which will restore your HP.
When you are done, you will receive a very awesome surprise!
Hint, Hint: Dragoon Transformation
Enjoy! and remember who gave you this cheat!
Legend of Dragoon, The Hints
PS1 | Submitted by ZACHTips on Defeating Bosses
Whenever you are about to fight a boss make sure Rose is in your party. You can tell your about to fight a boss if u find a save point deep into a dungeon. Have your SP to the maximum for each party member and make sure that each member can transform into a Dragoon. Once the battle starts use Rose's special and cast Astrol Drain as many times as you can. I've been able to do up to 400 points of damage with it on the first disc. After the special wears off keep using normal attacks and additions so that your spirit gets to its maximum fast enough to use another special. Also, if you have the power wrist equipped, use the special of that person so that a normal Dragoon attack can deal near 200 points of damage. Make sure you have plenty of Heeling Potions and a good amount of Mind Purifiers incase the boss can cast status effecting magic (like the beast in the Hellana Prison dungeon.) Make sure you save often because bosses often come in pairs of two.
PS1 | Submitted by Michael FredieuBoss Hints
When you get to the 4th disc and you must free all of the dead souls, including the divine dragon, an easy way to go about this is to skip all of the spirits(run past them) and go straight for Lavitzs soul. After you beat Lavitz go back and pick up all the items you would have normally got if you would have defeated to dead souls. The only down side to this is you don't add exp. points and money to your charaters, the choice is yours!
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