The Last Witch Hunter review

Something insipid this way comes…

12DOVE Verdict

A real Halloween howler, this pixel-afflicted horror-fantasy never gets near to fulfilling its potential. Even hardcore Diesel addicts will be hard-pressed to enjoy.

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Something insipid this way comes…

Vin Diesel makes his first foray into fantasy filmmaking with The Last Witch Hunter, a film spawned from his love of Dungeons & Dragons. Given the end result, you rather wish Diesel had been into Monopoly, Cluedo or Snakes & Ladders – surely any of these board game staples would’ve provided a better basis for a film.

Directed by Breck Eisner, who last pitched up with the 2010 remake of George Romero’s The Crazies, The Last Witch Hunter is a perfunctory scare-fest drowning in digital effects but entirely lacking in charisma. Co-scripted a trio of writers – two of whom penned last year’s equally toothless Dracula Untold – it toplines Diesel as Kaulder, a medieval warrior cursed with immortality just as he vanquishes the pestilence-spreading Witch Queen.

One credit sequence – and 800 years – later, we’re in modern-day New York. Kaulder, who previously looked like he took his hair-care tips from Lord Of The Rings’ resident dwarf Gimli, is now bald, buff and spends his spare time seducing air hostesses. He’s also employed by a Witch Counsel to hunt down naughty necromancers who practise dark magic (to a seemingly oblivious public).

When Kaulder’s priest advisor (Michael Caine) is left spell-stricken, he follows a trail that eventually suggests a ploy to resurrect the Witch Queen. Along for the ride is Caine’s well-meaning replacement (Elijah Wood) and a good witch named Chloe (Game Of Thrones’ Rose Leslie), who spends her days running a dark arts club that wouldn’t look out of place at a Cure concert.

As the story plods along, Eisner fills the screen with icky visuals, but they rarely get under the skin. Some ideas are promising, like a bakery feeding its patrons with maggot-riddled cakes, but never really developed. While the dialogue proves as wooden as a box of crucifixes, the performances, bar a lively turn from This Is England’s Joseph Gilgun, are largely moribund. Let us pray this is a one-off.

Freelance writer

James Mottram is a freelance film journalist, author of books that dive deep into films like Die Hard and Tenet, and a regular guest on the Total Film podcast. You'll find his writings on 12DOVE and Total Film, and in newspapers and magazines from across the world like The Times, The Independent, The i, Metro, The National, Marie Claire, and MindFood.