The Last Guardian gets God of War talent to help with finishing game

The Last Guardian looks to be getting a little extra help from the creators of Kratos. This week, Sony's game design head Shuhei Yoshida confirmed Team Ico has adopted members of the Santa Monica Studios team to help it put the finishing touches on its long-awaited monster adventure.

“It’s not just Santa Monica,” Yoshida clarified in an interview with Wired. “We have great tech people in Worldwide Studios. We have a central tech group in the U.S. and the U.K. so we are giving them whatever help they need. Technically, we have the best engineers in the U.S. and Europe, so these teams are helping them, giving advice.”

Yoshida also debunked rumors that The Last Guardian's delay was due to the departure of its original director, Fumito Ueda, noting, “He never left the team, he’s on top of the game and the team is making progress... At one point the progress was great, so we talked about the timing of the launch in the past. But now it’s making progress, but still not to the level — it’s playable, but not to the point that we can talk about the timing of launch.”

This week's comments line up with Yoshida's earlier statements at 2012 DICE that The Last Guardian was still on track, but taking its sweet time. That's good and all, but pretty soon we're going to start calling it The Last Guardian Forever or The Last Guardian: Episode 3

Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.