The Last Case of Benedict Fox shows off stunning combat in new all-action trailer

The Last Case of Benedict Fox has given us our most comprehensive look at its combat yet thanks to a new trailer that just debuted as part of the Future Games Show Powered by the Turtle Beach Stealth Pro. 

The upcoming Metroidvania's latest trailer starts with some scene-setting cut-scenes, before throwing us head-first into the game's fantastical sidescroller setting – before then showing us its protagonist getting to grips with its world's bloodthirsty demons. 

Cue some quick-fire attack combos infused with lightning, magic, purple thunderbolts, revolver blasts, knife blows, and spin kicks Street Fighter's Guile would be proud of. 

So far, The Last Case of Benedict Fox has impressed with its gorgeous art style and suitably dark and moody backdrops, but this first proper look at how its battles unfold – and, crucially, how you might survive them – paints a more sophisticated picture of what we can expect from Plot Twist's forthcoming action platformer. 

Now hurtling towards its April 27, 2023 release date quicker than you can scream Poltergeist, it seems like The Last Case of Benedict Fox could live up to the promise I was wowed by following its reveal at the Xbox and Bethesda Games showcase during last year's E3 season. Come release, we'll get the chance to traverse its dark and eerie world set in the ethereal underworld of 1920s Boston, battling "filthy" monsters all the while as we strive to uncover the fate of a mysterious family. Oh, and while doing all of that, we'll also contend with the literal demon that lives inside our body. Which sounds just lovely.  

If you think so too, you can check out more on The Last Case of Benedict Fox on the game's official website

If you’re looking for more excellent games from today's Future Games Show, have a look at our official Steam page.

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