La Nouvelle Eve review

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Camille (Viard) is a thirtysomething lifeguard whose promiscuous lifestyle is abruptly cut short when she falls in love with Alexis (Rajot), a socialist activist devoted to his wife and kids.

Her pursuit of this unattainable man provides the gristle of Corsini's mildly diverting comedy, which not only charts the humiliating lengths to which its neurotic heroine will go, but also the devastation she wreaks on hapless trucker Ben (Lopez) and Alexis's possessive spouse, Isabelle.

Unfortunately, Camille is such a selfish, moody cow we're more likely to side with them than egg her on. The problem lies not with Viard, who gives a gutsy performance, but with Corsini's script, which fails to make us give a damn if Camille gets her man, changes her ways or goes belly-up in her own pool.

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