Konami tells fans to go "easy" on Silent Hill rumours but then links to a new "official" Twitter account

(Image credit: Konami)

Those Silent Hill rumours are burning again, only this time, it's IP owner Konami itself that is fanning the flames.

The official Konami Twitter account yesterday dropped a seemingly cryptic tweet that said: "Close your eyes. Always scary. Silent Hill 2 Siren".

When Silent Hill-starved fans jumped on the tweet, querying why Konami was tweeting about Silent Hill now – particularly as there have been so many rumours swirling around – the company responded with a further tweet that shut the speculation down.

"Easy there internet," Konami tweeted. "We were watching streams of Dead By Daylight and thought we would share the noise and feel of being hunted. We won't take the tweet down and "backpedal", we just wanted you to enjoy it".

So far, so what, right? But then this happened (thanks, Silent Hill Heaven Forum*):

Here's where things get really weird. The Twitter account Konami casually directed us to is brand-new, and was established in July 2020. It's not verified – making the "official" in the title meaningless, of course – but it's curious that Konami made a point of making us aware of the account, and curiouser still that the Konami tweet explicitly references "an event or something". An event is precisely what the rumours point to, with speculation that a Sony State of Play event around the time of Toyko Game Show might debut a new Silent Hill game. Hmm.

Is this a matter of no smoke without fire or is Konami just having fun with us?  Nothing else for us to do but wait... 

As Jordan recently surmised, talk of a Silent Hills revival gained traction in March when reports surfaced claiming Sony was looking to mediate a reunion between Hideo Kojima and Konami in order to bring back Silent Hills. A few weeks later, we reported on a cryptic tease from another prominent horror mangaka, Suehiro Maruo, that suggested he was working on something Silent Hills related.

Konami dismissed the rumours in an email at the time, but said that it's "not closing the door on the franchise". 

Then recently, Junji Ito told journalists at Comic-Con@Home that Hideo Kojima was in touch with Ito to ask if he'd still be interested in working on a horror game together (he later walked the commented back and said it had just been a passing comment, not confirmation of a new project).

*Disclaimer: SHHF is a Silent Hill community owned and operated by me.

Until we know what Konami's cooking up, here are the best horror games to play alone in the dark (if you dare).

Vikki Blake
Weekend Reporter, 12DOVE

Vikki Blake is 12DOVE's Weekend Reporter. Vikki works tirelessly to ensure that you have something to read on the days of the week beginning with 'S', and can also be found contributing to outlets including the BBC, Eurogamer, and GameIndustry.biz. Vikki also runs a weekly games column at NME, and can be frequently found talking about Destiny 2 and Silent Hill on Twitter.