Kingdom Hearts Cheats
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Kingdom Hearts FAQs
Kingdom Hearts FAQ
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Kingdom Hearts Boss Guide
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Kingdom Hearts FAQ/Walkthrough
Submitted by Mogg 13-42
Kingdom Hearts Hints
PS2 | Submitted by KairiBeat Clayton
This may help to beat Clayton in deep jungle, first you get to the bamboo thicket and you run through without trying to kill any of the heartless' and then you watch the clip and then you defeat all the heartless and then the first round of Clayton then he will bring out a giant lizard, start fighting it then when your health gets low run to a wall with mossy stuff on and wait till goofy of Tarzan heal you then start fighting again. Waiting may take a while but it will keep your health up and hopefully make it easier to defeat him! P.S. if you try hiding when Clayton's no on the lizard he will be able to shoot you!
PS2 | Submitted by jman1007How To Get Keyblades
jungle king- beat clayton
three wishes- before you fight jafar
lady luck- use white trinity in alice in wonderland
pumpkinhead- beat boogie
fairies harp- beat captain hook
crab claw- beat ursula the second time
wishing star- gippetos housa in traverse town after beating monstro
olympia- beat hercules cup
spellbinder- merlin after getting all level 1 magic
oathkeeper- receive from kairi in traverse town
metal chocobo- defeat cloud hercules cup
lionheart- defeat cloud and leon hades cup
devine rose- talk to belle in hollow bastion library
oblivion- in a chest in hollow bastion grand hall
ultima weapon- synthesize 24 items
PS2 | Submitted by christian T.99 Dominations Locations
1,2,3; Traverse Town, island across from Mystical House
4,5,6; Traverse Town, Alleyway
7,8,9; Traverese own, Item Workshop
10,11,12; Traverese Town, secret waterway
13,14,15; Wonderland, Queen's Castle
16,17,18; Wonderland, Lotus Forest
19,20,21; Wonderland, Tea Party Garden
22,23,24; Coliseum, Gates (near right statue)
25,26,27; Deep Jungle, Hippos' Lagoon
28,29,30; Deep Jungle, Vines 2
31,32,33; Deep Jungle, Climbing Trees
34,35,36; Deep Jungle, Camp
37,38,39; Agrabah, Alladin's House
40,41,42; Halloween Town, Bridge
43,44,45; Neverland, Clock Tower
46,47,48; Agrabah, Palace Gates
49,50,51; Agrabah, Cave of Wonders, Entrance
52,53,54; Agrabah, Treasure Room
55,56,57; Monstro, Chamber 3
58,59,60; Wonderland, Queen's Castle
61,62,63; Hollow Bastion, Grand Hall (2nd time)
64,65,66; Halloween Town, Cemetery (after beating Oogie Boogie)
67,68,69; Halloween Town, Gullotine Square (below Jack's House)
70,71,72; Halloween Town, Gullotine Square (gray pumpkin)
73,74,75; Monstro, Mouth (After Water Recedes)
76,77,78; Monstro, Chamber 3
79,80,81; Monstro, Chamber 5
82,83,84; Neverland, Ship's Hold (fly to the beam, but only after defeating Captain Hook)
85,86,87; Neverland, Ship's Hold (trigger yellow Trinity)
88,89,90; Neverland; Captain's Cabin
91,92,93; Hollow Bastion, Rising Falls
94,95,96; Hollow Bastion, Castle Gates (grab floating chest using gravity)
97,98,99; Hollow Bastion, High Tower (grab floating chest using gravity)
Well that's it,hope you found this helpful
PS2 | Submitted by Julien VegaIngredients
Dusk: Twilight Shard
Creeper: Dense Shard
Dragoon: Dense Shard
Assassin: Twilight Gem
Samarai: Dense Gem
Sniper: Dense Stone
Berserker: Dense Crystal
Gambler: Twilight Shard
Sorcerer: Twilight Crystal
Shadow: Dark Shard
Soldier: Dark Shard
Large Body: Power Shard
Emerald Blues: Lightning Stone
Crimson Jazz: Blazing Crystal
Air Pirate: Dark Crystal
Minute Bomb: Blazing Shard and Bright Stone
Hammer Frame: Blazing Shard and Power Stone
Bulky Vendor: Bright Shard, Gem, Stone, Crystal
Cannon Gun: Blazing Stone
Rapid Thruster: Lightning Shard
Morning Star: Power Crystal
Fiery Globe: Blazing Gem
Icy Cube: Frost Gem
Fat Bandit: Blazing Gem
Gargolyle Knight: Energy Shard
Gargoyle Warrior: Dark Gem
Aeroplane: Frost Stone
Hot Rod: Frost Stone
Night Walker-Dark Stone
Bolt Tower: Lightning Shard and Energy Gem
Living Bone: Frost Crystal
Shaman: Power Gem
Aerial Knocker: Power Gem
Tornado Step: Blazing Stone
Crescendo: Bright Crystal
Armored Knight: Lightning Shard
Neoshadow: Bright Crystal and Lucid Crystal
PS2 | Submitted by John SmithHow to Beat Kurt Zisa
First, bring elixirs and high potions. Kurt Zisa forms two balls in his hand that disable magic. Cast aeroga or aerora at the beginning and if you can summon tinkerbell. Hit the balls in his hand and they will break and release hp balls. Destroy both and Kurt Zisa will be stunned and hit his head to do damage. He will get up and use a shield and make sand tornadoes go after you. Cast thundaga on his shield and it will break. He will be stunned and hit him again. He will then use the magic-disabling balls again. Repeat this process to beat him.
Note: Sometimes he will spin his swords. This is how you dodge it.
When he spins his swords verically dodge roll to the left or right, right when he is about to hit you. When he spins his swords horizontally jump and glide over them.
PS2 | Submitted by Flea11&DragonBreathThe Best Weapon To Beat Riku
The best to beat Riku with is Olympia. To get this weapon you will need to beat the Hercules Cup. Winning the Hercules Cup should be farely easy if you equip a lot of potions and ethers to cure yourself. After you've won it should be a lot easy to beat Riku. Olympia has a very powerful strengh so don't be fooled by Lady Luck's strengh because It doesn't work well at all.
PS2 | Submitted by FROGGYBALL2How to Beat Cerberus
Jump on Cerberus's back and let Donald and Goofy do all the work. Don't give them any potions. When Cerberus gets on his legs you will slide off, but just jump when you touch the floor. Then get back on Cerberus's back. Wait about 5 minutes and attack his head and there you have how you beat Cerberus.
PS2 | Submitted by paul van der werfSynthesize Items
Blaze Gem: Fat Bandit, Bandit (Agrabah, Cave
of Wonders)
Blaze Shard: Red Nocturne (Monstro and possibly other worlds)
Bright Crystal: Defenders (Various places; Traverse Town Hotel has 3 in the hallway)
Bright Gem: Search Ghost (Halloween town and other worlds as well)
Bright Shard: Green Requiem (Deep jungle)
Frost Gem: Sea Neons (Atlantica)
Frost Shard: Blue Rhapsody (Wonderland)
Gale: Angel Star, Invisible (End of the world; screen before final rest save point)
Lucid Crystal: Dark Ball (Various worlds )
Lucid Gem: Gargoyle, Wight Knight (Halloween Town)
Lucid Shard: Shadow (Various worlds)
Mysterious Goo: White (Deep Jungle, in front of tent)
Power Crystal: Wyvern (Various worlds )
Power Gem: Pirate, Air pirate, Battle Ship (Neverland)
Power Shard: Power Wild, Bouncy Wild (Deep Jungle)
Shiny Crystal: Wizard (Various worlds)
Spirit Gem: Air Soldier (Wonderland)
Spirit Shard: Soldier, Large Body (Agrabah)
Thunder Gem: Aqua Tanks, Screwdrivers (Atlantica)
Thunder Shard: Yellow Opera (Wonderland)
Black/Blue Fungus (Various worlds)
PS2 | Submitted by Phsycopath of pieMushroom Hunting Tips
Here are a few tips on what to do when you encounter mushroom heartless.
1: go to Halloweentown and stay there. All mushroom heartless appear there.
2: When encountered with Rare Truffles, use the aero method, or use ragnarok.
3: If you are looking for the Gravity arts, go to the agrabah treasure room. If you are looking for the Stop arts, go to the sunken ship, below deck in Atlantica.
4: Gravity deals with the black fungus pretty decently.
5: Go to Monstro's throat for alot of rare trufles. When they all disappear, go to chamber 3 and go back to the throat. Rare Truffles will appear almost every time.
6: If you are looking for the Black fungus, Go to the place before the bridge area in haloweentown, or go to linked worlds( The area in End Of The World before the final save point in the game ).
7: While fighting rare truffles, pack lots of ethers if you plan on using the aero method. the aero spell uses a lot of mp.
8: I suggest you get the aeroga spell before you try to fight rare truffles. It will last longer.
9: Summon Bambi while fighting white mushrooms. Goofy and Donald will do a perfect job of blocking your view of what a white mushroom will do. Now I list the moods for the white mushrooms.
Fans Self=Blizzard,Blizzara,Blizzaga
Grasps For your help( Lays on the ground) = Cure,Cura,Curaga
Floats in mid air=Gravity,Graviga,Gravira
Stops in mid motion=Stop,Stopra,Stopga
Spins out of control=Aero,Aerora,Aeroga
Remember to summon Bambi when fighting a white mushroom. Go to the graveyard in Halloweentown if you want the aero mood.
PS2 | Submitted by Cheers2InsanityDefenders, Wizards, and Darkballs
This is a really helpful tip/cheat for those of you looking for defenders, darkballs, or wizards. I've found many spots where they are waiting, and these are the most productive.
Traverse town: hallway(3 wizards and 3 defenders)
The gizmo shop: (Multiple wizards and darkballs, also around 3 0r 4 defenders)
The top of the gizmo shop/ the housetops: (Wyverns, searchghosts, and an army of darkballs.)
The third district: (Around 6 or 7 defenders there along with around 10 or so
Those places are very effective, but you should also try Hollow Bastion, as these creatures are littered there eveywhere.
PS2 | Submitted by Kingdom Hearts fanaticChoose Ending Sequence in Tournament
When playing as just Sora, he will do different victory dances at the end of each battle. They are as follows: Squall, Cloud, and Zell. To choose you must do different things at the end of the battles in Olympus. As you may know you can walk around after the battle for about 5 sec. This is how we do it:
Squall: When you can walk around after the battle begin rolling, then Sora will do the Squall victory dance.
Cloud: When you can walk around after the battle, stand still. Sora will do the Cloud victory dance.
Zell: When you can walk around after the battle, glide. Sora will do the Zell victory dance.
PS2 | Submitted by Cheesy_McElfBeating the Phantom
You need a LOT of MP and Ethers for this battle. Equip MP-boosting equipment. To fight the Phantom talk to Tinkerbell with Peter Pan in your party, find her in the room where you rescue Wendy (or the one next to it - i can't remember). During the battle watch the orb below Phantoms cloak. When it glows red, use a fire spell, when it glows yellow, use a lightning spell, when it glows blue use an ice spell, when it doesn't glow at all don't touch Phantom and when it glows white strike it normally. Keep an eye on your teammates as well, a number will float above them after Phantom does a move. When you see a number, cast stop on the clock face, this will stop the timer for exactly 1 real-time minute, otherwise they will die when the timer reaches 0. When Phantom uses the move when it fires the purply orbs, use a wind spell to negate at least some of it (depending on your spell strength - eg Aero, Aerora and Aeroga). Keep this strategy up and you should be able to defeat it.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to hide from Darkside Heartless
When in battle with Darkside Heartless. When he is shooting at you, hide under his legs and you will not get hit. Because he will not shoot himself.
PS2 | Submitted by Cheesy_McElfAnother way to defeat Sephiroth
NOTE: Sephiroth has 1800 HP.
I don't think you have to be a too high a level to defeat him (about 80 or so). I was level 100, but I chose the staff and the shield in 'Dive into the Heart' (at the start of the game). Anyway, equip Strike Raid, MP Rage and the Oblivion keychain (found in Hollow Bastion in the chamber where you fight Riku for the second time). Okay, during the battle cast Aeroga (if you have it) immediately. Then just keep striking him normally and healing when your HP is low. When he uses the move 'Sin Harvest' use Strike Raid if he is far away or strike normally if he is close and this should get him before he affects you. If not, use a Hi-Potion and then each time he strikes you your MP should be restored (from MP Rage) slightly for you to use a curative spell (preferably Curaga - get it from Aerith in Hollow Bastion after sealing the keyhole there, talk to her a few times.) He will stop using Sin Harvest when you get him down to low enough health and will do a few other moves. Before he uses meteor, make sure Aeroga is cast. From hereon, just strike him until he dies, basically.
PS2 | Submitted by IlkeyrionHow to beat Sephiroth
HP: 1800 EXP: 18000
Sephiroth is actually quite easy to defeat if you use this strategy. I tried other people's strategies but none of them worked so ignore them. Make sure you're at a good level to beat him (I beat him at level 67 but you can do it whenever you want depending on your skill; I recommend level 75 for the average player.) Equip the abilities Strike Raid, Dodge Roll, Second Chance, Ars Arcanum, and Superglide before going into battle. Guard doesn't give you any tech points so you don't need it. Also, fill up your item slots with Elixirs and have your versions of Cure and Aero in your magic shortcuts; don't bother with anything else since magic doesn't work on him. Equip the Oathkeeper keychain for this battle.
Sephiroth's HP won't appear to go down until you've been hitting him for a while so don't be fooled when you start attacking him.
Sephiroth starts with three attacks. The first is a long-range sword attack. Right when he does this, Dodge Roll toward him and attack him with a combo. He will teleport behind you and try to hit you. Again, use Dodge Roll but don't try to attack him or he'll hit you. He will also emit a pillar of flame if you get too close. If you get caught, use Ars Arcanum so you are temporarily invincible. The best way to attack him at the start of the battle is with Strike Raid, as it is powerful and long-range. Make sure you time it right and heal your MP regularly.
When you start to deplete Sephiroth's pink health meter, he will teleport away and say "Sin Harvest." Superglide to him and strike him or else you'll lose all your MP and all but 1 HP (you equipped Second Chance, didn't you?) Use an Elixir if this happens but do it quickly because he will try to hit you again. He will frequently use this attack throughout the battle. At this point he starts to run around a lot so it's harder to hit him. Just keep using the same strategies. About halfway through the orange meter, he'll send a shower of spinning attacks. It's hard to avoid them so use Ars Arcanum again.
At his yellow meter he'll start sending out meteors. Just try to dodge them because you can't hit him now. For the rest of the battle, he'll send out orbs and use a spinning attack. You can hit him easily after both of these attacks so you'll end up getting the 18000 EXP. Congratulate yourself on defeating Sephiroth!
PS2 | Submitted by Raul GrajalesTips to beat Sephiroth
How to beat Sephiroth easy (i dont think so ) Rule number one: You really need elixirs on this battle. Rule number two: Read this you fool. You don't need a high level but i do recommend Lv.80 or higher He will start the battle walking and swinging his sword toward you (duh!)and some times he makes a fiery wall around him you can jump and smack him in the head once he starts losing his real life (if you hit him you will see his life is not depleting you are wrong its only because he has to much life!) Once his life turns pink he will start running toward you and he will make a attack called Sin Harvest ( if you listen carefully he will say "Sin Harvest" has soon has you hear those words run to him and hit him if to late i mean if a red thing appears in you run has far has you can and when the attack is done it will deplete youre MP and HP unless you have the Second Chance Ability so use a elixir before he...........gets you!) and also he will make !
an attack that hits you like a 1000 times at this time you can use Strike Raid which will make invincible when the attack in progress when his life turns yellow a black aoura will appear wilting him and he will throw lots of meteors and they will start surrounding him run around in circles so the meteors can hit you and when the meteors stop he will a huge one toward you from this point on he will no longer use "Sin Harvest" but his much faster and when he swing his sword he will shoot dark energy balls youst jump and smack him in the head. Abilities needed: 2nd chance MP Haste & Rage and Strike Raid.this strategy is very good but once you learn his pattern you can use you're own strategy. P.S. please mind my bad spelling am from Puerto Rico and i am 12 years old and thank you this also my first time doing a strategy.
PS2 | Submitted by AurumnEarly xp and unlimited potions
For much easier xp, and a free portion for each victory, fight Riku before you turn in you rope and cloth and logs. If you chose shield (or sword) as strength at creation, and magic as your weakness this should be no trouble. When he stands back and taunts you, hit him 3 times (he'll parry) and then step to the side. He will do a spin attack, missing you, and you can then do a 3 hit combo on him. It is worth 5 xp for defeating him, plus the potion. If you parry an attack of his it is an extra 2 xp. Just remember, if you use your first potion you will need to equip the new ones you won before entering a new fight. after a few tries or levels you won't even use potions and can start letting them stack up.
But once you turn in the logs, etc. and rest for the night you can no longer fight him, so level while you can!
PS2 | Submitted by AnsemEasy Lvl. Up
On Destiny Islands talk to Tidus and fight him, if you time it right you can hit his rod to give you 2 Exp. This is the quickest and easiest way to level up.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSealing All the Keyholes
You must be thinking that you sealed all the keyholes just because you sealed the ones of the planets.Wrong you need to beat the book that Merlin gave to you(Winnie The Pooh).
"Location of Keyholes"
1.Traverse Town:Second District.
2.Wonderland:Bizzare Room.
3.Deep Jungle:In the waterfall.
4.Olympis Colsium:Under the big block(you need the yellow trinity).
5.Agrabah:Lamp Chamber.
6.Monstro:(doesn't have a keyhole but it counts as one).
7.Atlantica:Ariel's Grotto.
8.Halloweentown:Oggie's Manor(after you beat Oggie Boogie for the second time).
9.Neverland:Big Ben.
10.Hallow Bastion:Grand Hall(after you beat Malificent,Riku,Dragon,Riku and Behemoth).
11.Traverse Town:Magician's Study(the book he had you repair).
12.End of the World:(after you defeat Ansem for the last time).
PS2 | Submitted by spencer armesEasy Experience at the Beginning
At the begining of the game you are given the choice to choose between three weapons. Choose to take the sword and leave behind the staff. After this you are asked three questions from your friends. Choose the top choice on each question to get "easier level up experience." (this will help you later in the game) After the questions are over you will fight a big heartless. (he's easy) Once you've done that you are free to go on destiny island. Your three friends will apear on the island somewhere and you can fight each of them alone all at once. Choose to fight TIDUS. He throws an attack every few seconds. Block each of his attacks to gain 2 exp. (Most people fight Wakka, but each time you block Wakka's attack you only gain 1 exp and you're throwing the ball right back at him, which causes the fight to evetually end. When blocking Tidus's attacks you're not hitting him, wich means the fight will stop when you want it to.)
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarDifferent Ending
Finish the game and get all Keyholes, 99 Dalmations & the Hades Cup
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Level Gain
At the beginning of th game when you are being asked questions always chose the top ones for a faster lvl gain.If u chose the bottom ones you lvl up slower.
PS2 | Submitted by ClaudeHow to Win a easy Behemoth Battle
When you fight the purple beast behemoth at hollow bastion, end of the world, and the Olympus coliseum you want to equip many elixirs ether or potions because it can be very painful. First you climb its back and use ragnorak or Arcanum on the horn that way he cant really hit you and when he falls with his horn vulnerable to Donald and goofy make sure their are equipped with Genji Shield (goofy) this shield is earned in the Hades cup I believe and equip Donald with the solar planet rod (not real name) these work best on the beheomoth beast and are quite effective. The adamant shield doesn't do anything to behemoth mind you all who read this code. And if possible you can find the heartless keyblade in hollow bastion before you fight riku/Ansem like i havre you can kill the bosses in 1 to 5 hits but the keyblade takes away life from Sora do watch out!
PS2 | Submitted by Brian SchmidtExtra Bosses
Phantom-Talk to Tinker Bell with peter pan in your group and she wants to take you to the clock tower say yes then you will fight him when you are there.
Ice Titan-Win the Hades Cup and this will be the Gold match in the coliseum.
RATING-NORMAL if you are on the stairs deflecting his icicles.
KURT ZIZA-Go to Agrabah and talk to carpet in Aladdin's house carpet will be dancing around in there and it wants to go to the desert go ride it to the desert.
RATING-Extremely Hard it will be a long battle so prepare for it.
Sepheroth-Go to the coliseum and enter the Platinum Match.
RATING-NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE Hardest fight in the game.
PS. These only work after you save Riku at Hollow Bastion.
PS2 | Submitted by Stephen BaronHow to Beat the Huge Whale
You must go to chamber 6 don't bother doing this until you have high jump jump to a leg then go to chamber 4 you will find Riku there but then Ponocieoh will go to the whale's stomach follow him then you fight the boss beat him then return to the mouth and that is that
PS2 | Submitted by RYaNHidden Key Hole
There is one key hole some people don't know about it's in the Hundred Acre Woods (The book on the desk in Marlins house). You must get each missing page and complete each of them too! Do this and when you come out, you seal the key hole.
PS2 | Submitted by Riku23Get the Hard Evidence in Wonderland
Once you get the three easy evidences to get the hard one go and climb up a mushroom and go by the tree bizarre room entrance. DO NOT GO IN turn around if u jump from leaf to leaf u will find a big black hole on top of a bush, go in, u should land on a faucet. When you do you should see a pink box, jump off the faucet to the platform it is on and u got it.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarDonald's Ultimate Weapon
After beating the Hades Cup, Enter Alone (Sora only) and win. You will recieve the Save The Queen.
PS2 | Submitted by KnucklezGet lots of money
Go to Deep jungle and find a heartless monkey (the yellow one) if you defeat it you can get a lot of money(you can have more money if you go there after you fight Ansem the first time)
PS2 | Submitted by Reve OntiverosHow to beat Riku
After 4 hits he does a flying kick move, make sure you dodge it because it does major damage to you then make sure no to fall of the ramp because you'll lose the match if you do
PS2 | Submitted by How to beat RikuQuick reset
To do a quick reset in Kingdom Hearts press and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Select+Start. This is much easier than resetting the console. Note that this will send you back to the menu.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarFastest Way of Leveling (at beginning)
When you start out the game and you choose what ever you want... and you talk to Kairi, and blah.. go up to Wakka , and talk to him he'll ask for a round to fight what not choose "sure ill play" ok..after that..keep a distance, when he throws you the ball , attack, making sure to time it right and to stay at a angle so you can "tech" and not hit him..this way you get points faster , and practice on your me it save a lot more time then fightin them one by one or three on one so like in 5 mins you'll have like 25 points or more of exp.
PS2 | Submitted by Man-ManRare Truffle Victory
In the Coliseum, for the Hercules cup. Know the annoying monster that disappears as soon as you hit it. Well, target the truffle and the first time you hit;it'll go flying into the air. When this happens, jump and attack it once. It'll pop right back up into the air. Repeat this and make sure it doesn't hit the ground or it will disappear. It takes a long time to kill it,but it's worth it. This monster gives around 4,000 exp's. More than any other normal monster in the game. Great for leveling up!
PS2 | Submitted by Riku99 Dalmation Locations
1,2,3; Traverse Town, island across from Mystical House
4,5,6; Traverse Town, Alleyway
7,8,9; Traverese own, Item Workshop
10,11,12; Traverese Town, secret waterway
13,14,15; Wonderland, Queen's Castle
16,17,18; Wonderland, Lotus Forest
19,20,21; Wonderland, Tea Party Garden
22,23,24; Coliseum, Gates (near right statue)
25,26,27; Deep Jungle, Hippos' Lagoon
28,29,30; Deep Jungle, Vines 2
31,32,33; Deep Jungle, Climbing Trees
34,35,36; Deep Jungle, Camp
37,38,39; Agrabah, Alladin's House
40,41,42; Halloween Town, Bridge
43,44,45; Neverland, Clock Tower
46,47,48; Agrabah, Palace Gates
49,50,51; Agrabah, Cave of Wonders, Entrance
52,53,54; Agrabah, Treasure Room
55,56,57; Monstro, Chamber 3
58,59,60; Wonderland, Queen's Castle
61,62,63; Hollow Bastion, Grand Hall (2nd time)
64,65,66; Halloween Town, Cemetery (after beating Oogie Boogie)
67,68,69; Halloween Town, Gullotine Square (below Jack's House)
70,71,72; Halloween Town, Gullotine Square (gray pumpkin)
73,74,75; Monstro, Mouth (After Water Recedes)
76,77,78; Monstro, Chamber 3
79,80,81; Monstro, Chamber 5
82,83,84; Neverland, Ship's Hold (fly to the beam, but only after defeating Captain Hook)
85,86,87; Neverland, Ship's Hold (trigger yellow Trinity)
88,89,90; Neverland; Captain's Cabin
91,92,93; Hollow Bastion, Rising Falls
94,95,96; Hollow Bastion, Castle Gates (grab floating chest using gravity)
97,98,99; Hollow Bastion, High Tower (grab floating chest using gravity)
Well thas it,hope you found this helpful
PS2 | Submitted by someoneFight the final boss
You must finish the story 'till the Final Rest of The End Of The World before fight with
Ansem.You can go out using the Save Point.
In Agrabah,talk to the flying carpet and it
will take you to the desert.You can find it
inside of Aladdin's house.
In Neverland,go to the room that has a Save
Point.Use the Save Point to switch Peter Pan
with Donald or Goofy.Talk to the Twinkle Bell.
Then,you can fly to The Clock Tower and
fight with The Phantom.
Prepare yourself frist because the boss is so
tricky.Make sure you bring the right item.
PS2 | Submitted by Dusty VWhite Mushroom Translations
This is a hint that will get you stuff that will help you in the game items as well as weapons: If you look at a White Mushroom they will do things that you have to cast spells on. If he's fanning himself, cast blizzard. If he's shivering, cast fire. If he's laying on the ground grasping for you, cast cure. If he's floating, cast gravity. If there's a orangish-black sun floating on top of him, cast thunder.(?) If he's frozen, cast stop. you will usually get valuable items that will make good weapons for you if you do this stuff 3-10 times with em. Enjoy!!!
After you get the key hole in Wonderland, the Jungle, and Traverse town go to the 2nd district and fight, there will be a whole bunch of heartless, when you beat them they will explode and tons of money and health will fly everywhere, grab it and you will be rich and healthy (HAHA!).
PS2 | Submitted by ChrisianEasy Way To Beat Clayton On Tarzan level
When you are playing the Tarzan level there are a lot of tricks to beat the boss, Clayton. First as your party chose Tarzan ( he gives you free poisons when needed ) and Goffy ( just because he's strong ). go to the part where Clayton is. Once you start to fight him jump on the high ledge. When he jumps up to hurt you whack him and go down. get him stuck in a corner and whack away. When he gives up hell bring in some lizard thingy. just run around and let Goofy and Tarzan kill him. Once Clayton falls of the lizard you can attack him or the lizard, attack the lizard. When the lizard is dead hide behind it and when Clayton comes up slice away. When your done go where Tarzan goes and get your new weapon ( The Jungle King ) good for long range and attack.
PS2 | Submitted by bpallTime Stopped in the Hercules Cup
Once you deafeat the Hercules Cup, choose to enter alone. Once you have beaten that, choose to play it on a time limit. Get to the Hercules fight without the time running out. Press Start then choose Restart. The timer will stop and you can defeat Hercules. Once you do all this, you can challenge any seed in the cup without fighting your way there.
PS2 | Submitted by SoraGet Free Health
If any of your party members die leave the area and go to a safe place.Since you can't leave without your party members it will give the dead people about half of their life bar back.
PS2 | Submitted by AlexSynthesizing (getting the Ultima Weapon)
Well this isn't really a cheat. but it is how you get your Ultima Weapon. First of all you cant synthesis until you access the green trinities. After you have done so go to the accessory shop in Traverse Town it is in the middle of the room. This trinity brings down a ladder that leads to the synthesizing shop.
PS2 | Submitted by Man-ManAnother Sephiroth Strategy
In the colisuem ,the platinum match. You have to face the almighty Sephiroth, harder than the final boss. Equip Strike Raid and the Oathkeeper Keyblade.Cast the shield and use Strike Raid when ever you can. Once his life starts to go down,he uses his angel attack which drains all Hp and Mp. Stop him before he uses it.Futher down the line he'll power up and go ballistic. Just keep your life up and use strike raid and don't let him use the angel attack or your dead.He gives the most exp's in the entire game.18,000.You'll level up every time you beat him.I went from level 60 to 90 in 2 hours
PS2 | Submitted by AdnanHow to Beat Maleficent
How to Beat Maleficent the Dragon
Go to a little hole and stay there (a gap in the wall with logs over it). Wait until the Beast and Donald got her at one hit point. Then come out of your hiding place and Strike the final blow. Please don't give me credit for finding this clever way of beating her. It was someone else's idea. I beg you don't give me credit. I found out the way but when I beat her I found out that one of my friends also does the way and did it before me, so plaese o please don't give me credit.
If you want to find out a more fun way of beating Malficent look below.
Like the first way you go into a gap in the wall. But instead of staying there cast Aero, Aerora, or Aeroga (to raise your defense) and summon tinker bell (so she can heal you every so often,) and go into battle. Retreat into your little gap every few minutes to heal yourself since tinker bell and Donald won't heal your Hit point completely. `
PS2 | Submitted by sillymonkeypantsGoofy's Ultimate Weapon
After beating the Hades Cup with only Sora, enter the Hades Cup in Time Trial Mode and win within 20 minutes. You will recieve the Save The King
PS2 | Submitted by ne3d fo sp3edSora's Ultimate Weapon
You can forge Sora's Ultima Weapon at the Item Workshop after you synthesize one of every other item. The materials needed to synthesize the weapon are:
Lucid Gem x5
Mystery Goo x3
Power Gem x5
Gale x3
Thunder Gem x5
PS2 | Submitted by Dustin MockTorn Page Locations
1: Agrabah "Dark chamber" in the cave of wonders 2: Monstro chamber6 3: Atlantica Ariels grotto 4: Halloween town research lab (on the bookshelf, if you have beaten Halloween town it is behind Jack, you have to switch him in your line up to get him out of the way) 5: traverse town dalmations house (collect 51 puppies and talk to pongo and perita)
Kingdom Hearts Glitches
PS2 | Submitted by catfreakoRun Sora, Run!
At the final boss, jump on the warship part at the front. Run to his middle. When you get to a wall, turn around but do not run. Wait until he blows you away and then run. This is tricky to do, but if you time it right, Sora will run REALY FAST!
PS2 | Submitted by ~Queendom Hearts~Yell for nothing
This mainly works in the Gismo Shop in Traverse Town (2nd District.) When against a wall press the attack button, X. Sora is supposed to fling his key but instead he stands still and lets out a yell.
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