Justice League will star a more heroic Batman, says Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is ready to deliver a more traditional Batman in his next outing as the Gotham vigilante. Less 'angry emo kid who got his iPhone taken away', more noble hero and leader. "This is more in keeping with the canon of how Batman’s usually been portrayed, and how he’s portrayed vis-a-vis the Justice League in the comics," Affleck told Entertainment Weekly. "This is more the Batman you would find if you opened up your average Batman comic book."

Affleck's debut as the Dark Knight in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is better known for spawning the sad Ben Affleck meme than anything else. It's fair to say that the movie received a mixed reception from critics and fans, despite delivering three superheroes for the ticket price of one. Maybe returning to the character's roots can redeem Batffleck. 

"Batman v Superman departed a little bit from the traditional Batman," said Affleck. "He started out with all this rage directed at Superman, because of his co-workers who had died in the fight Superman had with Zod. He was holding on to a lot of anger, in a little bit of an irrational way, whereas this is a much more traditional Batman. He’s heroic. He does things in his own way, but he wants to save people, help people."

Maybe Batman is happier in Justice League because he's got a whole bunch of new buddies for missions and movie nights? Superman and Wonder Woman are back on his squad, and Aquaman, Flash, and Cyborg are the new recruits. Together they're facing supervillain Steppenwolf, who DC fans will know not just a bad guy, but a bad guy uncle to Darkseid. 

Justice League will be released on November 17, 2017.

Rachel Weber
Managing Editor, US

Rachel Weber is the US Managing Editor of 12DOVE and lives in Brooklyn, New York. She joined 12DOVE in 2017, revitalizing the news coverage and building new processes and strategies for the US team.