Jupiter's Legacy ending explained: your biggest questions answered on the finale

Jupiter's Legacy
(Image credit: Netflix)

Warning: Major spoilers ahead for Jupiter's Legacy on Netflix! Turn back now if you haven't watched the entire series!

Jupiter's Legacy's story jumps between the present day and '20s and '30s America to show us how the first superhero team formed – and how the next generation are living up to their parents' expectations.

Things got pretty wild as the series progressed, and episode 8 was so packed with action and plot twists that it wouldn't be a surprise if you got a bit lost as everything went down. Not only did we lay eyes on Skyfox for the first time in the present day, but we also had a mind-bending showdown between Walter and Raikou, and we saw the Utopian and Blackstar square off again – and Hutch reveals his plans to track down his dad to Chloe.

We've rounded up the biggest questions you might have after watching episode 8, going through that big twist and explaining just what exactly happened to the characters affected by the episode's surprising turns. Scroll on to check out everything there is to know about the finale of Jupiter's Legacy.

Was Brainwave the bad guy all along?

Ben Daniels in Jupiter's Legacy

(Image credit: Netflix)

Skyfox was a shadowy presence throughout the present-day storyline of Jupiter's Legacy. But, while it might have seemed Skyfox – or George Hutchence – would be the big bad behind Blackstar, it turns out George wasn't really a big deal this season. As we find out in the last moments of season 1, the real villain was Brainwave all along. Walter Sampson was the mastermind behind the entire Blackstar clone plot, and framed Skyfox in the process. He wants to split Brandon and Sheldon apart, so he can eventually take over the Union. 

In a roundtable attended by 12DOVE, Ben Daniels, who plays Walter, talked more about his character's plans. "He has put that plan in motion. It's been years in the making... What he didn't realize was that Brandon would put his fist through the copy of Blackstar's brain and destroy it because it nearly derails his plan," he explained. "But I think the final episode is the real Walter, of course, the rest is a public mask. So he's been like that for years."

He added: "I think the change started to happen as soon as he gets his power. There's a line he has... where they first all sit round the big table, and someone says 'So, why have we been given these powers?' and Walter says 'to rule the world, obviously.' And I think he actually means that. As soon as he gets that power, every ounce of anxiety in him goes, he can read everyone's mind. He knows exactly what's going to happen, except for Sheldon. He plays a really long, slow game. But you know, they're not dead, so he can."

There you have it – keep an eye on Walter in a potential season 2, because things could get even darker real quick.

What happened with Skyfox and Brainwave?

Matt Lanter in Jupiter's Legacy

(Image credit: Netflix)

Walter ventures into the Blackstar clone's mind towards the end of season 1 with the intention of finding out who created him – except, of course, we eventually find out he's been the one scheming in the background from the beginning, so it's all a ruse.

All signs point to Skyfox not really being in Blackstar's mind, and it being an elaborate trick on Walter's part – especially considering Grace drops in to find out what's going on as the connection to Blackstar starts to breakdown. Walter then takes the opportunity later to show her the message Skyfox apparently wanted to impart: a dead Sheldon and Brandon, with Skyfox standing over their bodies. Walter is setting everything up to seem as if Skyfox is the one gunning for the Union, but really, it's Walter. 

As for why Brainwave is trying to pin it all on Skyfox, Matt Lanter, who plays George, gave a hint as to why his character left the Union when talking with 12DOVE. "I think Walter here is a big reason," he explained. "I think that George feels slighted. And everybody seems to kind of take the other side, Walt's side, which he brilliantly crafts to look [like] that is the truth, and the just, and the light, [and] positions George to look like he is operating out of darkness and evil. But he's not. I think when the whole world's against you, he just sort of would rather go into hiding than try to fight it. Maybe that's a credit to Walter."

What's Hutch up to?

Ian Quinlan in Jupiter's Legacy

(Image credit: Netflix)

At the end of the series, Hutch shows Chloe a huge contraption that he's going to use to find his father, George – AKA Skyfox. Unfortunately, the teleporter he's been using so far hasn't been able to take him to his dad. So, Hutch is taking matters into his own hands – and if it works, we can expect Skyfox to be a bigger presence in a possible season 2.

What happened to Raikou?

Anna Akana in Jupiter's Legacy

(Image credit: Netflix)

Raikou showed up towards the end of the series, and there's no denying that the mind-reading mercenary was a badass. However, things took a turn for the worst in season 1's last moments, and Raikou was killed by her own father, Walter. If you were confused in that scene, that's understandable – it all got a little bit Inception as the two telepaths had their final conversation.

Raikou knew about her dad's dastardly schemes to take over the Union, and unfortunately for her, wasn't going to keep quiet about it without a massive payout from Walter. Instead of taking the risk – and the financial blow – Walter made the terrible decision to murder his own daughter, invading her mind to prevent her from fighting back.

Was Sheldon going to save Brandon?

Josh Duhamel in Jupiter's Legacy

(Image credit: Netflix)

All the way through the series, it's been made clear that Sheldon believes superheroes can't ever kill. It's one of the central tenet's of his Code. When Brandon killed the Blackstar clone to save his father in episode 1, it was a huge deal to everyone affiliated with the Union. 

But, in the season finale, the real Blackstar gets hold of Brandon, and tells the Utopian that he has to kill Blackstar – or the villain will kill Brandon. The scene stretches on with Sheldon making no moves, and we see Blackstar gloat that the Utopian hasn't chosen Brandon to save. It looks like Sheldon is so committed to his Code that he'd let his own son die. 

But then, just before Fitz's daughter Petra arrives to save the day, we see Sheldon's eyes light up with his laser vision. He later tells Brandon that he wouldn't have let him die – so does that mean the Utopian was prepared to kill to save his son, the same way Brandon killed to save his father? It's unclear for now, but a second season might pick this particular plot thread back up.

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Molly Edwards
Entertainment Writer

I'm an Entertainment Writer here at 12DOVE, covering all things film and TV for the site's Total Film and SFX sections. I previously worked on the Disney magazines team at Immediate Media, and also wrote on the CBeebies, MEGA!, and Star Wars Galaxy titles after graduating with a BA in English.