Joe Danger 2: The Movie code giveaway - courtesy of Raptr

Do you like Joe Danger? We like Joe Danger. Especially Joe Danger 2: The Movie, which we gave four stars to! Check it out our review here if you haven't read it yet. Now, if you haven't played the game and you're curious as to what all the buzz is about, let us know below, because the first five readers who reply will get a chance to play the game for themselves.

To learn more about the game, the developers from Hello Games, creators of Joe Danger, will be a part of Raptr's developer QA session this September 26, from 10am to 6pm PDT on the game's community topic page. Here's your chance to ask them anything about the game, and Raptr will also be providing exclusive prizes to the best questions. So if you're not fast enough here, you have another chance on Raptr. Good luck!

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