It's god vs man in final Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer

After months of teasers, TV spots, and posters, the final trailer for Zack Snyder's superhero smackdown Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice had arrived. It follows in the footsteps of the haunting image revealed earlier today, which featured a crestfallen Bruce Wayne surveying the damage caused by Superman. Of course, it's no secret that Batman is out for blood after the actions in Man of Steel left his city in ruin.

This last look at the movie ahead of its release is a different beast to earlier trailers. For starters, the first 45 seconds are solely dedicated to Bruce Wayne, whose grizzled vigilante is definitely getting too old for careening into buildings and taking down hordes of attackers. That doesn't mean he's going to stop his quest for justice, or, his mission to take out Superman who is presented in a less than favorable light. Again.

While there's a lot of new footage here that warrants examination, it's that last moment of the two engaged in battle that gave us chills. Particularly the look on Superman's face when Batman holds back his super-powered punch. Could he have met his match?

Directed by Zack Snyder and starring Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Diane Lane, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Laurence Fishburne and Amy Adams, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will arrive in UK and US cinemas on March 25, 2016.

Images: Warner Bros

Gem Seddon

Gem Seddon is 12DOVE's west coast Entertainment News Reporter, working to keep all of you updated on all of the latest and greatest movies and shows on streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Outside of entertainment journalism, Gem can frequently be found writing about the alternative health and wellness industry, and obsessing over all things Aliens and Terminator on Twitter.