It's been 11 years, but we're now just 2 years away from playing Skyblivion ourselves

(Image credit: TESRenewal)

The developers behind Skyblivion, a Skyrim-style Oblivion remake, have released a roadmap for its ambitious project which is set to release in 2025.

On June 24, the Skyblivion team shared its 2023 roadmap along with the caption: "We've come a long way since we began the process of remastering Oblivion in the Skyrim engine. Today, we’re revealing the path ahead for our targeted release of 2025 at the latest." You may have heard of the project before, especially since it's actually been in development by a group of dedicated Bethesda fans since 2012 - that's right, 11 years ago. 

You can see the roadmap video for yourself below, but to summarise, the video gives an insight into how much progress has been made on the project so far and how much is still left to do to hit that 2025 planned release date. As the video explains, the team is constantly looking for new volunteers to help develop Skyblivion so if you're able to help out and want to play a part in this sizeable mod, we suggest getting in touch with the team. 

According to the video, the Skyblivion development team has completed around 40% of the game's interiors, everything from castles, stables, shops, mines, inns, forts, caves, and more. The dungeons, however, are said to be the trickiest of the bunch and are taking up most of the interiors team's focus right now. 

Alongside the interiors, the rest of the team is also hard at work on Skyblivion's 3D objects - that's everything from characters' clothing, the greenery found around Cyrodiil, its animals, and more. So far, 1,893 of these assets have been completed with 615 still left to do. Although, as the video explains, some of these assets can be bored from Skyrim, many of them "are not suitable for integration into Skyblivion," which means more work for the developers. 

There's so much still left to be on the project, including 77 out of 199 quests, but there's also a lot to look forward to from the upcoming project. Alongside all of this remade content, players will also soon be able to enjoy Oblivion's original soundtrack - complete with 17 brand new tracks - as well as its mechanics including the class system, spell crafting, spells & magic, underwater combat, alchemy, and more. 

Basically, Skyblivion is getting there, but there's still a lot left to develop. "Despite the massive scope of this project," the video explains, "we are finally seeing the end of the road but there is still work to be done." Thankfully, the bulk of the work is on its way to being completed, so we can look forward to enjoying the project in full sometime in 2025. 

While we wait for Skyblivion, take a look at our best Skyrim mods list. 

Hope Bellingham
News Writer

After studying Film Studies and Creative Writing at university, I was lucky enough to land a job as an intern at Player Two PR where I helped to release a number of indie titles. I then got even luckier when I became a Trainee News Writer at 12DOVE before being promoted to a fully-fledged News Writer after a year and a half of training.  My expertise lies in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, cozy indies, and The Last of Us, but especially in the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm also known to write about the odd Korean drama for the Entertainment team every now and then.