Is This Cloverfield 2?

Projectionists across the pond have reportedly been issued with Iron Man 2 reels containing a teaser trailer for J.J. Abrams' new project, Super 8 .

Abrams has developed something of a reputation for keeping his projects on the QT and very hush-hush in a manner worthy of L.A. Confidential , and as such we know next to nothing about the film itself.

Early reports suggest that the plot involves a group of teenagers in the 70s or 80s shooting home movies with a super 8 camera, who discover upon developing the footage that there's an uncredited alien creature in one shot.

Sound familiar? The smart money is indeed on this being a Cloverfield prequel (or sequel, if you want to ignore the 70s element), but naturally there's been no official confirmation.

Still, with the long-awaited plot synopsis for Inception now available, it's good to know we can still get our frustratingly opaque film marketing fix somewhere.

Do you fancy a second dose of Cloverfield ? Drop us a comment below.


Emma Didbin is a writer and journalist who has contributed to 12DOVE, The New York Times, Elle, Esquire, The Hollywood Reporter, Vulture, and more. Emma can currently be found in Los Angeles where she is pursuing a career in TV writing. Emma has also penned two novels, and somehow finds the time to write scripts for Parcast – the Spotify-owned network that creates thrilling true crime and mystery podcasts.