iPhone game of the day: Crazy Test

Game: Crazy Test
Price: $0.99
Size: 19.9MB
Buy it now from the iTunes Store: US/UK

If you hate WarioWare but for some reason really, really wish you could play the exact same type of game on an iPhone, then don't worry! Tactile Entertainment has you covered with Crazy Test, a collection touch and accelorometer-based microgames that will provide you with all the abstract entertainment you could want.

Crazy Test plays out just like WarioWare, providing a quickfire assault of challenges that last a several seconds long. Just like the classic Nintendo franchise, the entertainment value is derived from the surreal sense of humor and bizarre situations.

Whether you're helping a teddy throw a ball or trying to make children fly off a merry-go-round, you'll be performing all manner of absurd tasks, usually with the involvement of cats and donkeys.

It's a pretty damn fun game, even though some of the spinning ones are a bit hard to get going. For a mere buck, you'll get a good laugh out of it and it should be something you dip into regularly. If you want something very silly indeed, make sure you give it a go.

Oct 4, 2010