If you win this Diablo 4 promo, someone will come to your house and do your chores for you while you play

Diablo 4 promo
(Image credit: Blizzard/Thumbtack)

A new Diablo 4 sweepstake is giving you the chance to have an actual person come to your house and do your chores while you play the upcoming open beta.'

In this highly unusual promo, Blizzard is giving away $200 gift cards to the US-based home services app Thumbtack, which you can use to hire local professionals to take care of that stack of dishes in your sink, do your laundry, or fix your squeaky fan. Basically, you're going to need the whole entire Diablo 4 beta weekend to earn that adorable baby wolf backpack, and this is a way to make sure there will be no earthly distractions getting in your way.

You can enter the sweepstake by replying to Blizzard's post about it on Instagram or Twitter and sharing exactly which chores you need help with around the house. I've spent almost two whole months putting off unpacking the last few boxes from a move, so I would need to ask help for that specific task and then include the hashtag #Diablo4theWeekend to enter.

You can read the full rules, but essentially you need to enter between now and Thursday, March 23 at 12:00pm ET, and you can't be silly and post anything "offensive or inappropriate" or you'll be disqualified.

I definitely wasn't expecting this to pop up in my email on a Monday morning, but the more I think on it, the more I'm enticed by it. I was bummed I wasn't quite able to reach the threshold for the best beta rewards during the early access weekend, and if I win one of these nifty Thumbtack credits that'll ensure I have the time before the beta's fully over. Now if only they could send someone to go as me to the dinner plans I made.

Looking for something to hold you over until June? Here are some games like Diablo to check out.

Jordan Gerblick

After scoring a degree in English from ASU, I worked as a copy editor while freelancing for places like SFX Magazine, Screen Rant, Game Revolution, and MMORPG on the side. Now, as GamesRadar's west coast Staff Writer, I'm responsible for managing the site's western regional executive branch, AKA my apartment, and writing about whatever horror game I'm too afraid to finish.