Icewind Dale Cheats

Icewind Dale FAQs

  • FAQ

    Submitted by Dan Simpson

Icewind Dale Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by Anton

    Copy Stuff

    Load all your best stuff on 1 of your chars. Go in to the menu where you se your stats, thaco ect.Klick on "export" write in the name on your char.
    Then go in to the menu where you see your chars and can delete or import chars. Import your char. Now he will have a copy of all items you had on him.
    This cheat is best if you have 5 or less chars

  • PC | Submitted by RPG700

    Unlimited Pearls

    When you first start the game go to the magic lady by the water. When she asks you to talk to her lover stop talking to her and talk to her again and tell her that you talked to him. She will thank you by giving you a pearl (which sells high). Immediately talk to her again and she will give you another one, keep doing this until she disappears.

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Super Shield

    Okay just like in Baldurs Gate here's a way to get some cool armor but for a high price. Once your on chapter 6,way in the lower Dorn's Deep, theres a kind of lift thing in the north west corner of the map. To be more accurate your actually in wyrmstooth but you'll find it.go up the lift and you'll meet a deep gnome with an attitude. (and for a sub quest, you can go in the kitchen where you fight that one thief with the badge, youll find potatoes in a cupboard, by the fat guy) you can give these to the deep gnome.after a while he tells you the way to his camp.Explore the area until you are attacked by umber hulks (grab a rhinoceros beetle hyde on the way, this is essential) the umbers break three wholes in the wall(each leads to tha same place} go in and youll end up in the base. go see this guy his names dirty somin, anyway give him the shell and hell wawnt ten thousand bucks(thats the cheap part)then it takes ten days (id just sleep it through) come back and get your shield. it basically sucks but then you take it to the drow sorcerer across the way,resist the urge to murder him at first,hell enchant the shield for 40,000 tell him its ridiculous and hell throw in a knife for an additional 3 or 4 thou.its only like a +2 weapon but id take it.come back in ten days and hell give it to you its like a +3 shield that weighs 15 or 25 pounds. Also buy the armor from the dirty guy.its better then plate mail but not magical so you can wear a ring with it or whatever. The drow sorcerer has some nice spells, a +4 shield with magic protection, and a 60,000 dollar staff that casts resurrection (only usable by cleric).I dropped a pretty penny but I had 200,000 so its okay. E mail me if you have any questions.

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Various Cheats

    Bring up the console by pressing Ctrl + Tab then put in one of the following codes

    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:Hans(); - Move party to pointer location

    CHEATERDOPROSPER:AddGold([number]); - Party gets gold indicated by number

    GETYOURCHEATON:ExploreArea(); - Get Map

    GETYOURCHEATON:Hans(); - Party teleports to pointer

    GETYOURCHEATON:FirstAid(); - Get 5 heal potions, 5 antidotes & scroll of stone to flesh

    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:ExploreArea(); - Show Map

    CHEATERDOPROSPER:SetCurrentXP([number]); -Selected characters get experience indicated by number

    CHEATERDOPROSPER:Midas(); - Party gets 500 gold

    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:FirstAid(); - Party gets 5 healing potions , 5 antidotes, and 1 Scroll Of Stone To Flesh.

    CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem(Item); Use the following item names in place of item

    SCRL1Q - Scroll of Vampiric Touch
    SCRL04 - Protection from Cold
    SHLD06 - Large Shield +1
    SW1H01 - Bastard Sword
    SW2H01 - Two Handed Sword
    WAND02 - Wand of Fear
    XBOW03 - Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy
    AMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles
    AROW07 - Arrow of Dispelling
    AX1H01 - Battle Axe
    BELT02 - Golden Girdle
    BLUN05 - Mace +1
    BOLT02 - Bolt +1
    BOOK03 - +1 Con
    BOOT01 - Boots of Speed
    BOW01 - Composite Long Bow
    BRAC06 - Gauntlets of Ogre Power
    BULL02 - Bullet +2
    CHAN06 - Mithril Chain Mail +4
    CLCK02 - Cloak of Protection +2
    DAGG03 - Dagger +2
    DART02 - Dart +1
    HALB02 - Halberd +1
    HAMM03 - War Hammer +2
    HELM03 - Helm of Glory
    MISC35 - Horn Coral Gem
    POTN03 - Potion of Hill Giant Strength
    PLAT05 - Full Plate Mail +1
    RING01 - Ring

    AMUL14 - Amulet of Protection+1
    AMUL15 - Amulet of Shield
    AMUL16 - Amulet of Metaspell
    SCRL03 - Protection vs. Acid
    SCRL05 - Protection vs. Electricity
    SCRL06 - Protection vs. Fire
    SCRL07 - Protection vs. Magic
    SCRL08 - Protection vs. Poison
    SCRL09 - Protection vs. Undead
    SCRL10 - Protection Scroll (Cursed)
    SCRL11 - Clumsiness (Cursed)
    SCRL12 - Foolishness (Cursed)
    SCRL13 - Ugliness (Cursed)
    SCRL15 - Protection vs. Petrification
    SCRL16 - Petrification (Cursed)
    SCRL17 - Ailment (Cursed)
    SCRL18 - Stupidity (Cursed)
    XBOW02 - Heavy Crossbow +1
    XBOW05 - Light Crossbow +1
    XBOW06 - Light Crossbow of Speed
    BOOT02 - Boots of Stealth
    BOOT03 - Boots of the North
    BOOT04 - Boots of Avoidance
    BOOT05 - Boots of Grounding
    BELT03 - Girdle of Bluntness
    BELT04 - Girdle of Piercing
    BRAC01 - Bracers of Defense(AC8)
    BRAC02 - Bracers of Defense(AC7)
    BRAC03 - Bracers of Defense(AC6)
    BRAC04 - Bracers of Archery
    BRAC07 - Bracers of Dexterity
    BRAC08 - Bracers of Fumbling (Cursed)
    BRAC09 - Bracers of Weapon Skill
    BRAC10 - Bracers of Expertise
    RING02 - Ring of Fire Resistance
    RING03 - Ring of Animal Friendship
    RING04 - Ring of Clumsiness (Cursed)
    RING05 - Ring of Invisibility
    RING06 - Ring of Protection+1
    RING07 - Ring of Protection+2
    RING08 - Ring of Wizardry
    RING09 - Ring of Free Action
    RING20 - Ring of Energy
    RING21 - Ring of Infravision
    RING22 - Ring of Holiness
    RING23 - Ring of Humility (Cursed)
    WAND03 - Wand of Magic Missiles
    WAND04 - Wand of Paralyzation
    WAND05 - Wand of Fire
    WAND06 - Wand of Frost
    WAND07 - Wand of Lightning
    WAND08 - Wand of Sleep
    WAND10 - Wand of Monster Summoning
    WAND11 - Wand of the Heavens
    PLAT02 - Plate Mail+1
    PLAT04 - Mithril Plate Mail+2
    SW2H05 - Two Handed Sword+3, Berserker
    SW2H06 - Two Handed Sword, Spider's Bane
    SW1H03 - Bastard Sword+1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters
    SW1H02 - Bastard Sword+1
    SW1H04 - Long Sword
    SW1H05 - Long Sword+1
    SW1H06 - Long Sword+2
    SW1H07 - Short Sword
    SW1H08 - Short Sword+1
    SW1H09 - Short Sword+2
    SW1H10 - Short Sword of Backstabbing
    CLCK01 - Cloak of Protection+1
    CLCK03 - Cloak of Displacement
    CLCK05 - Cloak of Balduran
    CLCK06 - Cloak of Non-Detection
    CLCK07 - Nymph's Cloak
    CLCK08 - Algernon's Claok
    CLCK09 - Mage Robe of Cold Resistance
    CLCK10 - Mage Robe of Fire Resistance
    CLCK11 - Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance
    CLCK12 - Knave's Robes
    CLCK13 - Traveler's Cloak
    CLCK14 - Adventurer's Cloak
    CLCK15 - Robes of the Archmagi(Good)
    CLCK16 - Robes of the Archmagi(Neutral)
    CLCK17 - Robes of the Archmagi(Evil)

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Hex Cheats

    Use a text editor to edit the "icewind.ini" file in the game directory. Add the line "Cheats=1" under the "[Game Options]" section. Start the game and press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to display the console window. Type "GETYOURCHEATON:EnableCheatKeys();" (case-sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes while playing a game:

    [Ctrl] + J - Move selected characters to pointer position.
    [Ctrl] + R - Heal or resurrect the selected character or portrait.
    [Ctrl] + Y - Kill selected monster or NPC with no EXP.
    [Ctrl] + 4 - Display trigger polygons; shows traps.
    [Ctrl] + 9 - Display character bounding boxes.

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Move to area


    Easthaven - Prologue AR1000
    Temple of Tempus AR1001
    House with Spear AR1002
    Empty House AR1003
    Hrothgar's House AR1004
    Fishmonger's House AR1005
    Winter's Cradle Tavern - Level 1 AR1006
    Winter's Cradle Tavern - Level 2 AR1015
    Pomad's Emporium - Level 1 AR1007
    Pomad's Emporium - Level 2 AR1016
    Snowdrift Inn AR1008
    Old Jed's House AR1009
    Scrimshanders's House AR1010
    Warehouse AR1011
    Torn Net House AR1012
    Winter Wolf Pelt House AR1013
    Strange Writing House AR1014
    Easthaven - Chapter Six AR1100
    Winter's Cradle Tavern - Level 1 AR1106
    Winter's Cradle Tavern - Level 2 AR1109
    Crystal Tower - Level 1 AR1101
    Crystal Tower - Level 2 AR1102
    Crystal Tower - Level 3 AR1103
    Crystal Tower - Level 4 AR1104
    Crystal Tower - Level 5 AR1105
    Orc Cave Area AR1200
    Orc Cave - Inside AR1201
    Kuldahar Pass AR2000
    Goblin Cave - Outside AR2001
    Goblin Cave - Inside AR2002
    Ogre Tower AR2003
    Old Mill - Level 1 AR2004
    Old Mill - Level 2 AR2005
    Old Mill - Level 3 AR2006

    Kuldahar AR2100
    Tower of Orrick the Grey - Room 1 AR2101
    Tower of Orrick the Grey - Room 2 AR2102
    Conlan the Smithy AR2103
    House with Portraits AR2104
    Townperson's House - Male AR2105
    Townperson's House - Female AR2106
    Temple of Ilmater AR2107
    Oswald Fiddlebender's Airship AR2108
    Potter's House AR2110
    Root Cellar Tavern AR2111
    Arundel's House - Level 1 AR2112
    Arundel's House - Level 2 AR2116
    Gerth's Equipment Shop AR2113
    Evening Shade Inn - Level 1 AR2114
    Evening Shade Inn - Level 2 AR2115
    Vale of Shadows AR3000
    Shrine of Auril AR3001
    Cave - Gate Key AR3101
    Cave - Vile Black Liquid AR3201
    Cave - Sanctum Key AR3301
    Cave - Carrion Crawler AR3401
    Kresselack's Tomb Level 1 AR3501
    Kresselack's Tomb Level 2 AR3502
    Kresselack's Tomb Level 3 AR3503
    Temple of the Forgotten God Area AR3600
    Temple of the Forgotten God - Level 1 AR3601
    Temple of the Forgotten God - Level 2 AR3602
    Temple of the Forgotten God - Level 3 AR3603
    Dragon's Eye Area AR4000
    Dragon's Eye - Level 1 AR4001
    Dragon's Eye - Level 2 AR4002
    Dragon's Eye - Level 3 AR4003
    Dragon's Eye - Level 4 AR4004
    Dragon's Eye - Level 5 AR4005
    Severed Hand Area AR5000
    Severed Hand - Level 1 AR5001
    Severed Hand - Level 2 AR5002
    Severed Hand - Level 3 AR5003
    Severed Hand - Level 4 AR5004
    Bridge To Labelas Tower AR5502
    Labelas Tower - Level 1 AR5101
    Labelas Tower - Level 2 AR5104
    Labelas Tower - Level 3 AR5102
    Labelas Tower - Level 4 AR5103
    Solonar Tower - Level 1 AR5201
    Solonar Tower - Level 2 AR5202
    Solonar Tower - Level 3 AR5203
    Solonar Tower - Level 4 AR5204
    Corellon Tower - Level 1 AR5301
    Corellon Tower - Level 2 AR5302
    Corellon Tower - Level 3 AR5303
    Corellon Tower - Level 4 AR5304
    Sheverash Tower - Level 1 AR5401
    Sheverash Tower - Level 2 AR5402
    Sheverash Tower - Level 3 AR5403
    Sheverash Tower - Level 4 AR5404
    Upper Dorn's Deep Area AR6000
    Main Cave AR6001
    Barracks AR6002
    Umber Hulk Labyrinth AR6003
    Forge - Inoperative AR6004
    Tiers Of The Dead AR6005
    Hall of Heroes AR6006
    Ettin Cave AR6007
    Neo-Orog Cave AR6008
    Orc Cave AR6009
    Puzzle Room AR6010
    Gear Room AR6011
    Forge - Operative AR6013
    Bandoth's Tower AR6014
    Wyrm's Tooth Glacier AR7005
    Museum Foyer AR7002
    Museum AR7001
    Slave Area AR7003
    Frost Giant Cave AR7004
    Lower Dorn's Deep Area AR7000
    Main Cave AR8001
    Watchtower - Level 1 AR8002
    Watchtower - Level 2 AR8014
    Gnome Mine AR8003
    Gnome Hideaway AR8004
    Marketh's Courtyard AR8005
    Marketh's Palace - Level 1 AR8006
    Marketh's Palace - Level 2 AR8007
    Mine Area AR8008
    Artisan's District AR8009
    Malavon's Chamber AR8010
    Great Forge AR8011
    Broken Temple AR8012
    Poquelin's Lair AR8013
    Norl's House AR8015
    Safe House AR8016

    Kuldahar AR2100
    Hjollder's House AR2109
    LonelyWood AR9100
    Whistling Gallows Inn - Level 1 AR9101
    Whistling Gallows Inn - Level 2 AR9102
    Temple of Waukeen AR9103
    Emmerich's Shop AR9104
    Dunn House AR9105
    Thurlow Estate - Level 1 AR9106
    Thurlow Estate - Level 2 AR9107
    Three D's House AR9108
    Thom Farold's Tower AR9109
    Purvis' Shack AR9110
    Barbarian Camp AR9200
    Great Mead Hall AR9201
    Burial Island AR9300
    Edion Caradoc's Tower AR9301
    Barrows AR9400
    Gloomfrost Area AR9500
    Gloomfrost Caves - Level 1 AR9501
    Gloomfrost Caves - Level 2 AR9502
    Sea of Moving Ice AR9600
    Icasaracht's Sanctum - Level 1 AR9601
    Icasaracht's Sanctum - Level 2 AR9602
    Icasaracht's Sanctum - Level 3 AR9603
    Icasaracht's Lair AR9604

Icewind Dale Hints

  • PC | Submitted by Andrew

    Most Powerful Class

    Mages are by far the most powerful the most powerful character class in the game. You're probably thinking yea right, they only start with 8 H.P. and can use no weapons Armor or shields. After they level up a few levels and you gain access to some of Orrick the grays spells, you can kick some major @$$. To level up a mage, do all the tasks in east haven except the goblins and the orc cave. Then export your mage and do it again. On my second try, I was able to go all the way through the Vale of shadows and the temple of the forgotten god with my mage only. If you have heart of winter, you can find a ring called the ring of wizardry. It doubles your first level spells. I can kill anything I fight with my mage.

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