How to make the Best. Game. Characters. Ever

Pikmin’s posey scalps are the perfect head decoration for the summer-smelling cuteness of our character’s bonce.

Toad’s head. One magic mushroom that’ll slap a smile on your face rather than cuffs on your wrists.

Sunny’s flower – well, not literally, of course. That road ahead leads to some suspect legal ground. Anyhoo, this flower rounds of the cuddly garden growing out of our critter’s cranium.

What’s the defining image of the HD era thus far? Gear’s of War war-torn vistas? Liberty City’s sprawling cityscape? Nope. Ratchet’s achingly huggable HD furry ears. Perfect for this pile of sickeningly lovable pixels.

We don’t want to go for 100% cute, merely 92.8% cute. That’s why we’ve chucked in the bulging, vaguely schizophrenic eyes of a Rayman Raving bunny.

Sack me! How could we possibly do a sacking cute character without the adorable material man? Not even the most cold hearted mothersacker could resist the oh so strokable face of Sackboy.

Chewnicorn’s beak thing, because we feel sorry for Rare. Chin up lads. Remember Goldeneye. Everyone liked Goldeneye.

Hungry Lumas for hands. After all, who wouldn’t want a gentle handshake from a couple of ravenous alien beasties?

The body of an electricity-conducting rat. What’s cuter than Pikachu’s podgy frame?

Some generic cartoon shoes. Well, they actually belong to Kirby. But we just can’t see the cute in a carnivorous gelatinous blob.

The cardigan of one of those Animal Crossing critters. Look at that fine Wii polygonal stitching. What an age we live in.

The entirely heterosexual - so you don’t have to feel weird about wanting to rub the soft fur against your face – tails of erm… tails.

David Meikleham
Google AMP Stories Editor

David has worked for Future under many guises, including for 12DOVE and the Official Xbox Magazine. He is currently the Google Stories Editor for GamesRadar and PC Gamer, which sees him making daily video Stories content for both websites. David also regularly writes features, guides, and reviews for both brands too.