See how Marvel's post-credits scenes came to connect the whole MCU

For those so inclined the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase Two collection has been made available to purchase on Blu-ray, and more and more of its special features have been popping up online. Thanks to Vimeo User IWantCupcakes, the latest is a featurette, which sets the stage for 'Phase Three' by showing fans how all of the movies have been connected using post-credit scenes or tags. Check it out below...

There isn't much here that an avid Marvel fan won't already know. However, the featurette is quite useful when it comes to answering any lingering questions on Thanos and the looming Infinity War, and the various anecdotes from Kevin Feige and others on how some post-credits tags came to be are entertaining. Mostly though, the featurette just serves as yet more proof of how impressively Marvel have executed their ambitious plan, and we're probably not the only ones who are looking forward to seeing how it all culminates in Phase Three.

The next Marvel film is of course Captain America: Civil War. Directed by Joe Russo and Anthony Russo, and starring Tom Holland, Chris Evans, Robert Downey, Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, it hits UK cinemas on April 29, 2016 and May 6, 2016 in the US.

Images: Marvel

Amon Warmann

Amon is a contributing editor and columnist for Empire magazine, but is also a Film and TV writer for 12DOVE, Total Film, and others. He has also written for NME, Composer Mag, and more, along with being a film critic for TalkSport. He is also the co-host of the Fade to Black Podcast, and a video mashup creator. Can also do a pretty good Bane impersonation.