Calling inhabitants of planet SFX! Let us know your thoughts and we'll print them in a future issue!
So The Hunger Games: Catching Fire topped $400 million at the US box office, making it 2013's number one film in America and enshrining Jennifer Lawrence as the biggest female star on the planet.
Will this change the way Hollywood works? Will we see more female-led franchises? Or will the male-dominated status quo continue, relegating Wonder Woman to a guest shot in the upcoming Batman Vs Superman when she could be headlining her own solo movie?
Which female characters need to make it to the screen? What stories should be told with them? What needs to change? More opportunities for female creators?
You can email us at [email protected] (marking your email HOT TOPIC), tweet us at @sfxmagazine , using the hashtag #sfxhottopic, join us on Facebook or, if the Royal Mail’s your bag, send an actual physical letter to SFX , Future Publishing, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW, UK.
Let us know your thoughts and we'll print them in SFX issue 246. You can give us your thoughts on anything, in fact - any burning topic or idle musing you want to share with the SF universe. Get writing!
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