HOT TOPIC: 3D (See Your Name In SFX!)

Share your opinions of 3D with SFX readers and see your comments immortalised in the pages of the next print edition!

There's a section in our magazine's letters pages now, called Hot Topic . It's a way for us to take the pulse of Planet SFX on one of the burning issues of geekdom...

THIS MONTH: We know you have strong opinions on 3D movies , so get sharing!

Dredd 3D

Can 3D be used to good effect, or is it just a way of charging more money for the same film? There are people for whom it just doesn't physically work (you should check out ) but if you can see it, does it add anything creatively? Surely Avatar , Coraline and Hugo were all beautiful, demonstrating it's more than just a gimmick? Let us know what you think - what you've enjoyed, what you hate, and what you think needs to be done in future.

Email: [email protected]

Make sure you mark your email HOT TOPIC 3D in the subject header.

Alternatively, you could Tweet us @sfxmagazine , using the hashtag #sfxhottopic

We'll print the best responses in SFX 236, on sale Wednesday 29 May, instantly conferring almost godlike powers on those lucky enough to be chosen.

Of course, if you want to write to us about anything else, that's good too. Same email addy , or give the Royal Mail a go: SFX , 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW.

See you in the pages of Earth's greatest SF mag!