Hot dang!! Get Monster Hunter World and Titanfall 2 FOR FREE with this PS4 Pro bundle

The PS4 Pro box

Did we fall asleep for nine months? Because a PS4 Pro deal this good feels like it should solely be reserved for Black Friday. We're talking $400 for a PS4 Pro plus Monster Hunter World plus Titanfall 2 - that's more than 20 percent off, or $120 less than the $520 it would cost bought separately, and it's all courtesy of Newegg on Ebay.

PS4 Pro with Monster Hunter World and Titanfall 2 for $399.99 from Newegg on eBay

PS4 Pro with Monster Hunter World and Titanfall 2 for $399.99 from Newegg on eBay Sony's 4K-ready, HDR-compatible PS4 Pro comes with two of this generation's biggest, most bombastic games.

If you're just catching up, here's the short version: PS4 Pro offers nearly twice the graphical oomph of a standard PS4, able to render games at increased resolution, smoother framerates, or with extra graphical fidelity and features (like better lighting or anti-aliasing).

As for the games, Monster Hunter World is Capcom's latest entry in the creature-slaying franchise, and while it's drop-dead gorgeous no matter what you play it on, you're gonna really appreciate those extra pixels as you're staring down a mountain-sized dragon. Meanwhile, Titanfall 2 will challenge your reflexes and combat skills as you effortlessly swap between on-foot combat (complete with jetpack and the ability to run along walls, of course) and mech piloting. If you're thinking to yourself, "Okay, but are they really that good?" Well, we gave MH World a perfect 5/5 score and made Titanfall 2 our Game of the Year in 2016. So, yeah. They are.

All of the above will look best on a 4K television, but even on a 1080p set you should see a difference. But if you're looking to upgrade your entire setup, be sure to check out our lists of the best gaming surround sound systems and the best gaming TVs to buy in 2018. And once you've conquered monsters of both the flesh and metal variety, consult our list of the best PS4 games for more games to play.

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