Holiday of the Tentacle... and 7 other games vs summer puns
Anyone for a game of Halo Beach?

Games vs Summer
Hello and welcome back to a semi-regular feature where we take a bunch of game-based puns--in this instance, they're all about summer--and use our crazy Photoshop skills to tinker with existing box art and make them a reality.
Sadly, some didn't make the cut. Too Hotline Miami, Parasol Sacrifice, Nights Into Suncreams--they were good, but not good enough. If you like what we've done here, please let us know in the comments and we'll make more. For now, though, enjoy--and if you want to get a closer look at our masterful work, just click on the top right of the images to enlarge them.
While you're here, why not have a look at the other Photoshop mash-ups we've made: Games vs TV shows, Games vs Clothes, Games vs Food, Games vs Comedy Films.

Halo Beach
Ah, just imagine the salty, cool sea licking at your power-armour-covered feet, as you shoot Covenant in the face with dual-SMGs. Feel the heat on your visor as you make your final stand by a slightly ragged parasol.

Balmy of Two: The 40 Degree Day
Poor Salem and Rios. Not only do they have to spend all day getting shot at by a bunch of crappy people... they do it in the 40 degree heat... wearing chunky combat armour. Someone give them a pair of shorts. Each.

Ice Lollipop Chainsaw
There's nothing more refreshing than a nice, cooling ice lolly when you've been slicing up the undead in the mid-summer sun. We reckon Juliet Starling is a Fab girl, while the zombies are more Cornetto fans.

Holiday of the Tentacle
Tentacle is ready to hit the poolside. Sadly, when he arrives, a bunch of unspecified Europeans have put their towels all over the best sunbeds and gone out for a day excursion. Tentacle does not approve--thankfully he packed a ray-gun.

I Have No Mouth And I Must Eat Ice Cream
This harrowing horror game is made even worse by virtue of the fact that all five characters trapped at the centre of the earth are gagging for a 99 with a flake. Sadly, they none of them have a mouth, as they've all been turned into mouthless slug-beasts. And ice cream no longer exists. Aaaaarrggghhhh...

Mega Tan
Looks like Mega Man has been spending too long under the UV sunbed. While he describes his Wotsit/Cheeso-like shade of orange as 'healthy', everyone else agrees that he's turning into a proper douche.

Donkey Ride to Hell
Maybe you haven't heard of Ride to Hell. It's some awful motorbike game that appeared earlier this month. We reckon it'd be improved dramatically if all the 'hogs were swapped for mules, and the action took place on Blackpool beach.

Block-hopping Q*Bert is frankly sick of climbing pyramids. The sun is out, it's nice and warm--Q*Bert is going to have some mates over for a barbecue. And maybe he'll drink too much too. Yeah, you heard. You don't own him. This is his house and he'll do whatever he goddam wants.

Fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun
So, you've seen what we've created. You've likely sighed at the awful puns and thought you could do much better. You probably thought we should at least write a new final slide, right? I mean, how lazy are we? Anyway, we'd love you to get involved. Why not create your own summer-based gaming puns and show them to us via Twitter. If you're not familiar with Photoshop, just let us know your Games vs Summer puns in the comments below.
Want to see more episodes in this series? Why not check out our latest Mash-ups, which features Games vs TV shows. Alternatively why not laugh along with our Games vs Comedy Films feature.