Hogwarts Legacy release window set for Holiday 2022

Hogwarts Legacy
(Image credit: Warner Bros. Interactive)

The Hogwarts Legacy release window has been set for 'Holiday 2022' as part of a special PlayStation State of Play live stream. 

Initially due to launch in 2021, the game was then delayed into 2022 with the caveat that it would arrive after Fantastic Beasts 3. However, we now know that it's set to launch around the end of this year. 

Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG set in the world of Harry Potter, albeit in the 1800s - so several hundred years before The Boy Who Lived and friends wandered the halls. 

We got quite the walkthrough of what to expect from the game during the State of Play, from the classes you'll attend as a student in their fifth year of Hogwarts, to some of the activities you'll be able to do in between your studies. 

Particularly impressive was the Room of Requirement, where you'll be able to make yourself quite the base, allowing yourself to catch up with the other students as you're joining school quite late. It's here you'll be able to practice potions, as well as build a menagerie of magical beasts to call your own - Newt Scamander-style. 

We also got a look at the game's combat, which is obviously magic-based, including wand and potion moves to use against the mysterious enemy group and other creatures, some of which have been possessed by a strange energy. 

Hogwarts Legacy is launching on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC.

Although she is not involved in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, 12DOVE acknowledges the role of J.K. Rowling in the creation of the Wizarding World, as well as her publicly-stated, harmful views regarding the rights of transgender people. If you’d like to offer your support to the communities affected by Rowling’s rhetoric, consider donating to the National Center for Transgender Equality in the US, or Mermaids in the UK.

Sam Loveridge
Global Editor-in-Chief, 12DOVE

Sam Loveridge is the Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar, and joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.