Hogwarts Legacy could be connected to this major book villain

Hogwarts Legacy
(Image credit: WB Games)

Hogwarts Legacy fans believe they've uncovered a link between one of the game's villains and a similar character from the Harry Potter books. 

Fans were introduced to dark wizard Victor Rookwood during the Hogwarts Legacy-focused State of Play. There wasn't much information offered on Rookwood beyond the fact that he was involved with the goblin Ranrok and his goblin rebellion, but that was enough to get fans theorizing. 

VGC reports that fans are convinced that Rookwood could be connected to Voldemort's band of Death Eaters, as seen in the Harry Potter series. But due to the fact that those stories don't happen for 100 years beyond the adventures in Hogwarts Legacy, how does Voldemort fit in?

It's all about the surname Rookwood. It's a reference, fans believe, to the "unspeakable" Augustus Rookwood, who appeared during the first wizarding war around the 1980s in the Harry Potter story. He only appears for a brief moment in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and is named as a Death Eater.

It's highly likely that the Rookwood in the books and the Rookwood of Hogwarts Legacy are connected, though there's no hard evidence to support this theory thus far. 

We've got a ways to go before we'll get to investigate this theory fully. Hogwarts Legacy is set to debut during the 2022 holiday season. That's plenty of time to do some independent investigation. 

Although she is not involved in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, 12DOVE acknowledges the role of J.K. Rowling in the creation of the Wizarding World, as well as her publicly-stated, harmful views regarding the rights of transgender people. If you’d like to offer your support to the communities affected by Rowling’s rhetoric, consider donating to the National Center for Transgender Equality in the US, or Mermaids in the UK.

Brittany Vincent