Hitman magazine has killer fashion (and killing) advice

If you see Agent 47 on the cover of a magazine this month, it's not because he's finally been apprehended for committing scores of contract killings. On the contrary, he's the cover model for the inaugural edition of http://www.12DOVE.com/hitman-magazine-fashion-killing-advice/, a new mini-magazine made by Square Enix in partnership with GR+ parent company Future.

'The Travel Issue' includes 20 pages of killer fashion, including how to put your own spin on 47's distinct look (having one of those rolly head razors would help), and advice from the best in the professional murder racket. You can find it inside copies of The Official PlayStation Magazine, Total Film, and T3 on sale this now, and GamesMaster out on the 24th. Or pick up a copy from here.

That should help get you in the properly sanguine spirit for Hitman when it arrives on March 11.

*Hit supplement only available in the UK.

Connor Sheridan

I got a BA in journalism from Central Michigan University - though the best education I received there was from CM Life, its student-run newspaper. Long before that, I started pursuing my degree in video games by bugging my older brother to let me play Zelda on the Super Nintendo. I've previously been a news intern for GameSpot, a news writer for CVG, and now I'm a staff writer here at GamesRadar.