Historical Battle Sweding Challenge Winner!

The first ever winner of our new monthly Sweding Challenge has been chosen.

His name is Chris Wilde and his film feels like Steven Spielberg being bossed around by David Lynch.

In other words, it’s absolutely brilliant – and you can see it below.

And in between stuffing prizes into a fat envelope for Chris, we’ve come up with a new Challenge.

This month's theme is Transformations, so whether you've got a pre-prepared cardboard Optimus Prime costume, or a handful of porridge, you can take part.

Choose your favourite transformation scene, recreate it, upload it to YouTube, send the link to [email protected] and we’ll pick our favourite at the end of June.

If you need some suggestions, head for our 10 Classic Transformation Scenes To Swede feature – and good luck!

What scene will you Swede? Tell us below!

Sam Ashurst is a London-based film maker, journalist, and podcast host. He's the director of Frankenstein's Creature, A Little More Flesh + A Little More Flesh 2, and co-hosts the Arrow Podcast. His words have appeared on HuffPost, MSN, The Independent, Yahoo, Cosmopolitan, and many more, as well as of course for us here at 12DOVE.