Highest-level Overwatch player ties to teach his mum to play games

One of the world's highest-level Overwatch players has taken on a new challenge in the latest episode of Totally Game - teaching his mum to play too. 

David 'TreeBoyDave' Norris has already played over 18,000 hours of Overwatch to reach the level of 11,908, but now he's going to try and teach his mum. The 63-year-old Janet Norris said her only experience with games was Minesweeper and Solitaire, with a little Sim City thrown in for good measure. 

“I felt very nervous about the idea of playing Overwatch,” said Janet. “Because I’d never played anything like that before."

“When I started I really hadn't a clue what I was doing. But once I got the hang of moving around and shooting and recognising the enemies it was okay. I quite enjoyed it.”

As you'll see in the Totally Game episode above, TreeBoyDave actually manages to guide his mum to her first kill, and even level her up - all on her first session with Overwatch. 

“I can't believe she did so well. To be honest, I've probably done a really good job of teaching her," said TreeBoyDave. 

 “I liked the game, actually it was good fun. A bit stressful but in a good way. But my goodness, you have to concentrate. I mean, everything's going on in your ears and then you have to operate with two hands and watch where you're going and look for enemies all at the same time.” 

Janet's even expressed an interest in continuing to play Overwatch too, especially considering just how passionate her son is about the title. 

TreeBoyDave now streams six hours a day, for six days a week on Twitch, having started playing Overwatch when the game first game out in 2016. He became the first player in the world to hit level 5,000 in Februray 2018, and followed that on by becoming the first to hit 10,000 in October 2019. 

Want to get into the game yourself? Here are our top Overwatch tips.

Sam Loveridge
Global Editor-in-Chief, 12DOVE

Sam Loveridge is the Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar, and joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.