High Voltage bringing Conduit to the 3DS, working on mystery Kinect game for 2K

High Voltage has enjoyed a relatively prosperous relationship with Nintendo, so it comes with no great shock to hear that the studio has amped up development on a Conduit game for the 3DS. See what we did? Shock? Amp? Oh don't play coy, you like it when your gaming news hertz.

Earlier this week, High Voltage's chief creative officer, Eric Nofsinger revealed to Eurogamer that developers had begun conducting early tests on Nintendo's new handheld to gauge just how well it can handle a version of its popular Wii first-person shooter. According to Nofsinger, this preliminary work has yielded %26ldquo;very good%26rdquo; results, and High Voltage is confident that its future 3DS release will closely match the look and feel of its upcoming Conduit sequel.

"We're still early. The resolution is definitely lower, but the screen real estate is smaller so it balances out. We've not had a lot of severe optimization yet, but we're going to be able to have something very close to this [Conduit 2] on the 3DS probably by GDC,%26rdquo; explained Nofsinger.

Asked what opportunities lie in wait for Conduit on the small screen, Nofsinger added, "There's nothing like it at all. We can be a shining star on this."

In the same interview, Nofsinger also confirmed that High Voltage is working on a mysterious title for 2K Games on Xbox 360 that will ship with Kinect support, explaining, "We're doing that with 2K. It's a licensed game. That's our bread and butter as a developer. That's how we've stayed in business for almost 18 years.%26rdquo;

High Voltage's next big Wii release, Conduit 2, is slated to hit your ohm console this April.


Feb 4, 2011

Matt Bradford wrote news and features here at 12DOVE until 2016. Since then he's gone on to work with the Guinness World Records, acting as writer and researcher for the annual Gamer's Edition series of books, and has worked as an editor, technical writer, and voice actor. Matt is now a freelance journalist and editor, generating copy across a multitude of industries.