High Velocity Bowling - PS3 network review

Motion-sensing bowling scores a strike

12DOVE Verdict


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    Clever use of Sixaxis

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    More depth than Wii Sports

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    Bang for your downloadable buck


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    Grip could be tough on small hands

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    Depth limited to nature of bowling

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    Grandma might school you at it

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Sony can%26rsquo;t be faulted for a lack of ingenuity with this game. They%26rsquo;ve looked at the Sixaxis pad and realised that, by holding it sideways in one hand and spreading your fingers across the shoulder and Triangle buttons, it can be transformed into a bowling ball. Before you know it, they%26rsquo;ve made one of the most realistic bowling games available and one that beats Wii Sports hands down - well, the quarter of it that%26rsquo;s made up of bowling at least - by having masses more depth.

To play, you first lock your player%26rsquo;s position by tilting the controller left or right, and then do the same to set the direction you want to bowl. Your player then begins their approach and you bowl your ball by mimicking the motion with the controller. The harder you swing it forwards, the faster you bowl. Spin is set by holding two buttons with your index or little finger, which is a bit tough on the tendons for little hands, but not impossible.

High Velocity looks brilliant for a downloadable game and there are tons to unlock too. The take-turns multi-player for up to four players is where it excels, though.

Feb 12, 2008

More info

DescriptionJust as fun as Wii Bowling and easy enough for Grannie to play.
US censor rating"Everyone 10+"
UK censor rating""
Release date1 January 1970 (US), 1 January 1970 (UK)