Hideo Kojima's movie obsession has driven him to recreate the 1917 trailer in Death Stranding

(Image credit: Sony)

Hideo Kojima has remade the cinematic trailer for 1917 using gameplay from Death Stranding. 

The famous film fanatic has long seemed to have wandering eyes for the movie industry and loves to fill his work with all sorts of Hollywood easter eggs. This is a guy who named one of his characters Die Hardman, after all. This time, however, he's gone and remade a whole movie trailer for the award-winning 1917.

Kojima's fan trailer, for lack of a better term, uses audio and transitions from 1917's trailer but is put to footage of Norman Reedus running from explosions and exploring barracks in Death Stranding. Honestly, it's a pretty solid shot-for-shot remake of the trailer if you can look past Reedus' character carrying a baby in a big glass of golden fluids. Which reminds me, I couldn't finish the trailer as I was warned it has spoilers and I've yet to start Death Stranding, so allow me to warn you too. Spoiler alert!

Some critics of Death Stranding have labeled it a glorified walking simulator, and though that take surely lacks some much desired nuance, we have to give credit to the one guy who actually turned a treadmill into a PS4 controller to play Death Stranding. That's one way to keep to your New Year's resolution.

Though Death Stranding remains a PS4 exclusive for the time being, PC players will get their hands on it later this year. In the meantime, you can show your support for the game and the Australian bushfire relief efforts in one swift purchase if you check out the recent merch Kojima Productions has created to directly benefit the ongoing firefighting.

It's safe to assume Death Stranding will make it to PS5 someday too, but we don't know for sure yet. For now, here are the upcoming PS5 games we do know about.

Freelance Journalist

Mark Delaney is a prolific copywriter and journalist. Having contributed to publications like 12DOVE and Official Xbox Magazine, writing news, features, reviews, and guides, he has since turned his eye to other adventures in the industry. In 2019, Mark became OpenCritic's first in-house staff writer, and in 2021 he became the guides editor over at GameSpot.